edit: i want to change the name of this thread to "why am i bad at remembering lyrics?"
So I was browsing about quantum and saw a list of Horizon episodes of which one was The Woman Who Is A Cow or wtvr, some autistic lady, which took me to the wiki for Learning Styles.
So like, people learn stuff differently, and there are like 4 different ways: Audio, Visual, Tactile (doing) and I forgot the other one. Actually its "writing/reading" or "logic/pattern" I think?
I tried this test thing and its really interesting coz you can relate to some of the questions (tho some suck) and really catagorize yourself and like learn about urself and stuff.
The test link is at the bottom of that page. No sign-up, takes 2 minutes to complete.
Here's my result:
You are a very tactile (or kinesthetic) learner. + Show Spoiler + You prefer direct involvement in the learning environment and enjoy activities like role playing and sports. You remember things best once you've experienced them. You don't understand things so well if you only read about them. Reading usually bores you. You may talk with your hands. You might have been called a poor listener or a fidgety student. You probably like to wear sporty or comfortable clothing. You like games and you learn things by practicing. When you study you should take short breaks. You can be impulsive and you probably sit in the back of the class. You like to study in groups because of the interaction. You may be involved in drama. You can benefit by using role playing methods when you study. You could also benefit from making your own flashcards.
Well after reading the other descriptions I am really visual-tactile and a little audio. I'm disappointed to see the test doesn't have a "written/pattern/logic" catagory coz that's really the most interesting one. Since I'll bet 99% of people are visual-tactile-audio (prove me wrong eh?).
An interesting thing is some people think in child development you can stunt or encourage styles of learning by focusing too much on a certain style. Makes sense I guess.
this bit interesting here -> You know, I am one of these people who can listen to a song 10000x but still have no freakin clue what the lyrics are. I honestly know maybe 20 song's lyrics and probably none are accurate and half of them are queen.
If I listen to songs in a certain order, however, like 60 minutes of 1-minute song clips, I can quite easily recollect which order they go in.
So does this mean I have okay audio learning but shit written/reading/speach learning? Or is it something else altogether? Why don't I listen to lyrics ever, and instead just listen to the general sound of the music? What's your take on this?
Some wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_styles
Korea (South)17174 Posts
It's a tie!
You do not have one specific dominant learning style. This is a good thing! You can learn by reading, hearing, and experiencing new things. In a class you probably like to experience a variety of teaching methods; for instance, you enjoy learning by listening to lectures, watching videos, or taking part in labs and role playing games. You might get bored if the teacher uses only one method in the classroom. You enjoy reading but you're also active. You may have a large collection of music or something else that interests you. Your interests are broad.
The most persuasive research I've seen concludes that these "learning styles" are bunk.
On November 16 2010 05:39 Rekrul wrote: It's a tie!
You do not have one specific dominant learning style. This is a good thing! You can learn by reading, hearing, and experiencing new things. In a class you probably like to experience a variety of teaching methods; for instance, you enjoy learning by listening to lectures, watching videos, or taking part in labs and role playing games. You might get bored if the teacher uses only one method in the classroom. You enjoy reading but you're also active. You may have a large collection of music or something else that interests you. Your interests are broad. Clearly this test is inaccurate because Rekrul is more likely to wreck an RTS than rule some JRPG.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
the test is obviously retarded, and people all have much more unique ways of retaining information efficiently
I learn by....ummm...well shit I dunno. If something happens it goes into my brain. Thats it. If I need it I recall the information.
I'm rather sure that all the garbage that builds up over the day (random occurrences I noticed but were not in any way important) gets deleted much in the way documents are while I'm sleeping. So for the most part my brain is a library with every important thing filed away. Always in reach by a single thought, phrase, object, anything really.
My most useful tool in learning however is imaging. I cannot tell you how it feels to be looking at the blackboard in O-Chem class with structures all over and without even closing my eyes see full 3d structures projected from my brain, overlaid over my open eyes. Seriously fucking useful skill toi have for learning complex molecular shit xD.
But mostly learning isn't something I do, It's something that happens. Its a passive process where direct experience gives me the tools and information needed to better understand my current situation and it's possible outcomes.
I am... visual and tactile though there were some questions where I really didn'th ave a proper answer to...
You are a very visual learner.
You probably use visual references a lot and say things like "I see now" or "I get the picture." You like to see demonstrations, diagrams, slides, charts, and other visual aids in the classroom. You take great notes and you probably use color coded highlighting. You could benefit by drawing outlines of your notes and creating pictures of processes or events that you study. Always write down explanations and instructions. Use flash cards when available.
Yeah, that's pretty much bullshit. I need to hear things to learn them. Like, i need to talk to myself out loud while studying.
i laugh when i see people (girls) spending 200 hours to underline every other word and then go over the entire fucking script with a pink marker pen. but apparently its an effective learning tool (or maybe THEY are the tool LOL???)
On November 16 2010 05:40 Pyrrhuloxia wrote: The most persuasive research I've seen concludes that these "learning styles" are bunk.
This actually.
It sounds really "right" with all the visual/whatever learners, but I actually read about a series of large studies they did on the theory a few years ago, and they result was that the learning types don't exist.
It sounds good on the surface, but I'll trust the science.
without taking the test i can guarantee my result will be visual learner
EDIT: i win
You are a very visual learner.
You probably use visual references a lot and say things like "I see now" or "I get the picture." You like to see demonstrations, diagrams, slides, charts, and other visual aids in the classroom. You take great notes and you probably use color coded highlighting. You could benefit by drawing outlines of your notes and creating pictures of processes or events that you study. Always write down explanations and instructions. Use flash cards when available.
Quiz says very visual, but I have always thought these classifications were a bit suspect.
Yeah I'm the same as OP. I can listen to a song a million times and only remember the chorus, if that. If i listen to an album I can easily distinguish the sound of the next song before it comes on.
lol i remember in middle school, we would learn by learning style and they were kinesthetic, visual, and verbal. most of us tried to get placed in kinesthetic after half the year lololol
These certainly aren't accurate, but its certainly true that different people are more or less efficient at learning in various ways. Only thing is that I learn best by analysing the information in my mind and relaying it somehow, which is something that the test here doesn't really cover.
Make up a chant to learn? Yeah, in grade one maybe, when I learned times-tables.
Visual learner.
I also took the left/right brain quiz and got left which I'm 100% sure is bullshit. The questions they ask are just so awkward that theres no way my answers give the right impression.
IE: Which gift would I give my neighbors kid. I would give him a model car over clay because I perceive it as a more appropriate gift, however I would want the modeling clay over the car if I were the kid. Answering model car is left brain, modeling clay is right brain.
United States4053 Posts
I got tactile learner, but I'm 100% sure i'm an auditory learner because i cannot memorize information unless i either read it aloud or hear someone else discuss it
I'd say both are equal HOWEVER there is one thing that will never change.
You can learn extremely effectively from both IF you enjoy what you are trying to learn. If you hate it you have to spend 10x as much time, if you love it, you will pick it up EXTREMELY fast.
Test is so crap, I was choosing the most likely options out of things I've never done -_-