I feel you. Often I mute the stream because I can't stand the commentary. I still absolutely love Day[9] and djWheat. My only gripe with Day[9] is that sometimes he tries and forces color commentary, which just doesn't work out. He's great at being funny and insightful but not good at showing intensity and suspense. djWheat is so talented and experienced at casting that I probably listen to him all day.
I think that Artosis ridiculous bias makes him even funnier to listen to. In the interview that just came up with him and Incontrol I was laughing pretty hard throughout the entire thing.
Husky I can't stand. HD is ok, but hes nothing special for me.
Day9 is great, but his commentating would get old for me if he was alone. djWHEAT is amazing always.
I have to agree with a lot of what has been said here. I personally feel there has been no consensus through the caster community on their chose of casted games. I have skipped and unsubbed from one person on youtube so far as their casts were too similar to their own and they were recasting games that were already casted by a better person/duo. Also, I feel that the chances of watching someone new cast is slim as it always is the same people being casted, idra, TLO, etc. Not the worst thing in the world but I can almost predict each move they are going to make as the games are being casted.
One of my biggest pet peeves of casters is how often many of them drone and are unable to make getting into the game interesting. And when something interesting happens they tone and volume of their voice only changes ever so slightly. I don't think you have to go Husky big to increase the excitement of the game but please make it more entertaining.
Sorry for rantiness, just something I felt I needed to get off my chest.
I really appreciate the casters and they offer great insight into many things I would have otherwise not noticed. However, there is one thing I would like to mention about them. Whenever I listen to Korean commentators I don't know why but I just feel energy flow through me. The casters on TL I think are great for learning and listening for insight, but for pure excitement I think they are lacking just because they do not get as worked up as the korean commentators do. I remember back in the day when I listened a lot to Cholera and Klazart, although the content of their casts is arguably not as deep and insightful as the casters mentioned here, they really had moments where you could hear a hint of korean style commentating (PLAGUUUU REAVER REAVER REAVER REAVER!).
One of my favorites has always been NukeTheStars, his input may not be as in tune as some of the other pro casters/players-turned-casters, but his sense of humor and voice I could listen to for an eternity, plus it's clear that he just plain loves BW.
It could just be a sign that your getting better at the game. The more you know the less interested you are in people telling you things you already know.
Personally if I'm watching a cast i want 100% color. I want casters to be entertaining not particularly insightful about the game.