The most memorable part of today was finding a(nother) girl while playing league games. Here's what happened:
And then I crushed her :D. Replay is here: Steppes of War - tvp - Luna
Anyway, I'm at 3rd place in bronze league and have been for the last 16 games. Here's how it's been going:
Day: Monday, November 1st (realized I didn't do this one)
Number of Ladder Games (wins/total): 3/4 (it was late and I ragequitted)
Starting Rank: 6
Ending Rank: 6
Highest Rank: 6
Lowest Rank: 6
Wins/total matchups (as Terran) vs.:
Zerg: 0
Protoss: 1/1
Terran: 2/3
Day: Tuesday, November 2nd
Number of Ladder Games (wins/total): 7/13
Starting Rank: 6
Ending Rank: 3
Highest Rank: 3
Lowest Rank: 6
Wins/total matchups (as Terran) vs.:
Zerg: 2/2
Protoss: 3/9
Terran: 2/2
(and then BoxeR vs. NaDa = mondo epic)
Day: Wednesday, November 3rd
Number of Ladder Games (wins/total): 11/17
Starting Rank: 4
Ending Rank: 3
Highest Rank: 3
Lowest Rank: 4
Wins/total matchups (as Terran) vs.:
Zerg: 1/3
Protoss: 5/7
Terran: 5/7
So, since I started this project on Oct 15, I have played:
108 1v1 League games
56 of which I have won
I think that's more than the number of 1v1 games I've ever played in any video game combined (besides SC2, I mean).
I won't be getting to diamond anytime soon - I can tell you that. However, I will keep laddering and keep writing until I do. Maybe in a few months - we'll see.
Lessons from the past couple days:
- People are cheesy. I had a streak where I was proxy gate zealot rushed, then proxy gate zealot rushed again, then 6pooled, then bunker rushed. Moral: always check outside the base for proxy buildings and be quicker with pulling SCVs off the production line to help.
- Mass void rays suck, and by "suck" I mean "are amazing vs. Terran." Once it gets to the mass void ray point, it's basically over. Moral: don't let it get to that point.
My friend Kaiz has been encouraging me to explore using ghosts against Protoss and Zerg. I think I will try that, although the early cloaked banshee harass has been very fruitful for me up to now and I'm not sure where to fit in the ghost academy.
Time for VODs! Thanks again to X for casting my nooby replays!
This is me vs. a kind of cranky Protoss named Leeches. The game is from Oct. 26th, and I've learned a lot since then, so I'd like to think that I would play him better now (not a spoiler!).
I think X is a pretty terrific caster, and if you like him as well, please head over to YouTube and subscribe to his channel: davidr64yt. He also does Minecraft!
That's all for tonight. Off to MLG Dallas tomorrow!
Shoutout to Temporal.