haha...dodge skills. Hopefully he doesn't go to TL! xD
true story, for some reason all my irl friends suck whatever games but my onlines friends are gosu's
My irl friends in high school were mostly scrubs at BW, while my university friends were pretty pro. Just wait till you get to uni/college
I'm 21 yo.
And I asked him if he reads TL and he didn't know it stood for teamliquid and said he doesn't come here. Sucks for him, but oh well.
On November 02 2010 17:22 craz3d wrote:My irl friends in high school were mostly scrubs at BW, while my university friends were pretty pro. Just wait till you get to uni/college 
Same. All my high school friends who play sc2 are terrible and don't even know tl exists, but the people who ive met in college that play sc2 are pretty gosu.
Katowice25012 Posts
I suspect everyone who consistently spends time on TL has this problem.
Instead of dodging them, teach them how to play 
You'd do yourself and them a favor by doing so
First step to become gosu: - Make an account on tl (YEAH!) Second step: - Do not read strategy forums Third step: - Try to get crushed and learn from your flaws
You have now made it into diamond league. Tell the above to your RL friends And ask them again if they know what TL stands for.
sometimes people dont want to listen/learn, or they just dont care.
On November 02 2010 17:44 KinosJourney2 wrote:Instead of dodging them, teach them how to play  You'd do yourself and them a favor by doing so  Because I don't want to devote tens of hours of my time to forcing him to learn to play competitively. He is having fun playing and that is all that matters. I'll play with him when I'm in a good mood and don't give a fuck. There is no reason to try to force someone to turn something they do for fun in to something they have to work at. I think he's at the point where he has plateaued and thinks he's pretty good and is having a ton of fun and if I start trying to teach him how to play 4 srs that he will see the huge hill in front of him and it will become daunting and make it a significantly less enjoyable activity.
Also this blog was pretty much an excuse to post No Scrubs in relation to playing video games with Scrubs. Calling people scrubs is probably one of my favorite things.
Australia7069 Posts
i know exactly how you feel. All my RL sc playing friends are pretty much scrubs. With my good friends it doesn't bother me we can just have fun, but like, the friends you dont see too much, those ones, god its painful. My cousin is ALWAYS asking me for games. Eventually i just deleted him from real friends and said i wasn't playing sc2 anymore rooflll
Sadly I know how you feel. I have one good friend who is pretty decent at SC2. We talk strategies and try different things. Everyone else complains or MASS VOIDRAYS ZOMG, which is pretty depressing.
Chin up, though. You're on TEAMLIQUID! There are plenty of people here who can play.
This situation could possibly become quite enjoyable for you. Slack off during the placement matches, get placed in bronze, then feel good slaughtering nerds with your bad friends.
All my IRL friends are terrible too. When I look at my friends ladder list all my IRL friends are at the bottom (most are bronze leaguers if they've even played 5 placement 1v1s) and all my TL friends are in diamond.
I don't get invited to play 3s or 4s with my IRL friends because I rage so hard. They just don't understand that 1 base 8 warpgate or 1 base hive is not viable.
lol wow, is it weird that all (most) of my irl friends are v.good and around diamond ish if they bother laddering. They just muck around with sc2 1v1 and team games for reals. But they're game sense and shit are phenomenal when they DO 1v1. =S they don't even know abt TL, unless they're trolling me lol
the only ones I got in silver and gold are the ones I dragged to start learning the game. And even they are improving leaps and bounds (ty TL)
On November 02 2010 21:47 seanisgrand wrote: I don't get invited to play 3s or 4s with my IRL friends because I rage so hard. They just don't understand that 1 base 8 warpgate or 1 base hive is not viable.
Clearly you havent' seen Cellawerra 13gateways build. http://www.youtube.com/user/HuskyStarcraft#p/u/9/JJFG8jtU0CM
On November 02 2010 17:52 guN-viCe wrote: sometimes people dont want to listen/learn, or they just dont care. obviously if you don't try it means you could be really good if you wanted to.