@Gretting you seriously have A LOT LOLOL :D
Anyways I have a few (I think ) that comes up my mind.
- Smallville - How I met your Mother - Mad Men - Glee - Supernatural - Two and a Half Man - The Big Bang Theory - House - No Ordinary Family (love it since I saw the pilot) - Stargate Universe (although I think I'm gonna quit watching since it is boring compared to sg1/sga)
The Big Bang Theory is probably my favourite one atm followed by Two and a half man ofcourse. The others I just watch because I started watching it from the pilot episode or was recommended by others.
I usually wait for shows to end so I can marathon the season dvd's in a few weeks (cliffhangers are no thnx), but I am sort of keeping up with Dexter (marathoned season 1-4 last Winter, now feel compelled to watch it Sundays), Castle (love Nathan Fillion), and have watched the first few episodes of No ordinary family (very cookie cutter.. but kept me interested, dying to find out how Michael Chiklis bagged a wife like that :p )
Other than fictional series, I watch Mythbusters, The Ultimate fighter, and Destination Truth semi regularly (WSOP as well while it is on).
How has no one mentioned Psych?
Show is SO good.
Community, House, Castle, Parenthood. :/
bored to death
ted danson is the best pothead
Great new fall show that just started this year. Action/Drama/Thriller starring a hot asian girl.
I'll second Mad Men and Dexter :-D
I love watching The league, Its always sunny in Philadelphia, and NBC's entire thursday lineup. All great stuff
HIMYM,Psych,Dexter,Boardwalk Empire.
On October 17 2010 09:35 GrayArea wrote: smallville and glee
I am not sure if you are joking or not, but this made me laugh way too loud for 4am !
I'm watching How I met your mother, The Office and Big Bang. Catching up on 30 rock and enjoying it quite a bit.
House, Myth Busters, Supernatural and Pawn Stars.
I'll throw this out there for everyone seemingly most have similar interests. The Wire while being an older show is the best drama tv series of all time and a big must see! It takes place in Baltimore and follows both the cops perspective and the gangster perspective with incredible writing you will fall in love with the show after a few episodes.
Currently I'm enjoying 1) Dexter 2) Breaking Bad 3) Supernatural 4) SOA 5) Eastbound & Down ( funniest show ever if you like dirty crude humor and mullets) 6) Boardwalk Empire ( if you are a big fan of this you must watch the wire) 7) Southpark
House The event Two and a half men How i met your mother the big bang theory Greys anatomy
was that Stephen King on Sons of Anarchy last week? The guy Tig called to take care of the nanny