Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 04:24 Tazza wrote: well gl man, but i'd advise you not to give up your dayjob on this. For every star story like oprah, there are millions of heartbroken stories I already gave up my day job for the last 7 months kekeke
On October 01 2010 07:46 shadesofkarma wrote:Big fan of your blogs  Anyways, I think having a western style variety show akin to Oprah is a bit of a stretch considering that you describe your target audience is as young "geeks". There is a reason why Oprah is not on prime time. Her target audience is homewifes with nothing better to do during the day, so they watch Oprah to pass some time. My interpretation (sorry if it is not accurate) is that your audience are urbanites/professionals/jet setters/business men. They typically would not have enough time to go through an entire show if it is too diverse and focus on some features that they may not care about. For example, if I am a someone who is interested in jet setter culture, I would not watch your show if you only devote 10 minutes to jet setting while devoting the remaining time to topics I may not necessarily care about, such as health and fitness. You mentioned GQ in your OP. The thing is, GQ is a magazine, a passive medium. If I wanted to read about fashion and politics, but not sports and automobiles, I can easily skip sections. With a TV show, it is much harder to do so, you may risk alienating some of your audience by having many segments on different topics. If I am a young professional watching your show, seeing stuff like MMA or e-Sports would be off putting, likewise, if I am an MMA enthusiast, seeing stuff about business and e-Sports would be off putting, and if I am an e-Sports follower/gamer.... well you get the idea. I get that in an ideal world, you want your audience to be people who care about all the topics that you talk about, but honestly, that demographic is so small that I don't see you making a profit which such a show. My advice would be to make the focus on business and professional development, with short segments on stuff that may interest your audience, such as health and culture. I would cut out the other stuff that really fit in the spectrum of such a show. Keep in mind this is only my personal opinion, I could be totally wrong and if this is really your dream you should follow it. Cheers!
Great feedback, Should definitely listen to this.
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 03:55 tofucake wrote: 22-25 health, current issues, how to be a badass (<3 your blogs), and some occasional boobs, if the medium allows it.
So I took about a 4 hour nap and I think what you've said is something I need to think more about: so my main purpose for my blog was to provide insight/know how into business that is also life applicable in terms of living with a professional's business mindset- so it could be considered in 'how to be a badass' keke
I'd say for Oprah or Martha its: how to be a better person or how to be a more cultured person.
So I'd say, so while I have a target market, I need to establish what do I want to provide for my target market, not so much in the particulars, but the overarching theme first.
'Geek to Hero' was the original name for the blog, so maybe I run with that idea and add some titties in as well (I like that word better, but I think if I added in the titties my wife would stab me in my sleep) keke, but thank you, you post helped me focus and maybe this is the key to begin with.
22-25 current business issues and personal development, this one is very crucial for this age group since they are the ones that is usually anxious with their future.
kekeke, looks like you beat me too it 
I'm 25 and I've been trying to find a small budget business I can work on since graduating from college.
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 04:37 alexpnd wrote: I'm a 24 year old CS student. I'd like to see you relate to those who "aren't" as much as you relate to those who "are", eg I'm too broke for jet setting. I do appreciate your blogs and I think you will be able to communicate your helpful insights rather successfully. I think you're right on the money in dealing with the format early, as too much disparity creates a show like a kid's game show. I like the idea of incorporating television programs but I would suggest to not actually break the show into a separate segment simply to discuss madmen or entourage. I believe by simply referring to the shows/characters during the actually useful and productive segments would be very effective in gaining interest and confidence, and most importantly that little bit of relief from serious discussion that you are looking for.
First off thank you... ok, so I while I don't want to make the show boring or a comedy, I want it to have pace, so perhaps having a appropriate clip at the right time can help that.
Thing is, the talk show is a reflection of what the host likes in the case of Oprah, but in the case of a late night talk show, its very different and I don't think I could pull that later off..
So, I honestly believe that having an insight into professional business is applicable in whatever field you are in because nearly everything we do has a commercial aspect to it: so in that respect, my blogs really aren't for those who 'are' like me as #1 they dont' even know what SC is, #2 the insights here are minimal for them, of course I think most of the people around me are hacks and my posts would likely inflame them as they could see it as an attack on them; so...
if I remake the show in kind of an apprentice format or lifestyle show... its nothing definite, just thinking on the page, but what I do want to do, is expose my target audience to be 'better' of course its subjective and its 'better' in what I think is better as I think that both Poker and MMA have value in more than the content of the game or fights themselves, but activities of personal challenge and are a good medium for expressing that (poker being mentally focused in a game of luck and skill and MMA an understanding of the physical aspect of going one on one with an opponent..etc) I think if it was for older people I'd do bridge and golf... but I do want to paint a holistic development.... I will summarize this all in my original post later, so thanks ^^
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 05:37 Waxangel wrote:Ari Gold is the persona you aspire to for entertainment's sake, or is that really you  ? As in, you seemed pretty nice IRL as opposed to the Entourage character :O
In real life, I don't speak very much unless its close friends or a new situation; in a business situation, I'd say I am similar to Ari Gold but far far far more toned down, but I guess to answer your question, I assume that I would have to tone things up for entertainment value, the thing is, I'm not a funny guy and I don't want the show turning into the gong show and looking amateurish; so I know I'm pretty polished when I want to; so I was thinking to be neither overly serious or preachy, but rather speak as if I was speaking to my junior staff in training... in which then, when I think about it, I'm a mean sonuvabitch...^^ I think perhaps my video persona will likely organically develop over time.
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 05:51 KurtistheTurtle wrote:I'd suggest you start with a narrow topic focus (like professional developement, health & drinking) and expand after you start running dry on those. Starting too broad too early will make the show solely about your personality and not give new viewers enough stability. Beyond that initial topical appeal and after you have a decent sized following (whatever you define), what will really make or break the show is you. When Oprah does a show on something, the topic becomes serious or important because of how much she cares. She has enough people used to her style for so long that she can do whatever the hell she wants. As long as you focus on making this show what you want it and keep it relatable (don't jump around too much at first) you can only go up. Keep it fun and do things by your own sense of humor. Even if somebody doesn't appreciate it, they can appreciate that you appreciate it & will keep watching with interesting topics. A suggestion, have a segment every week where you fire somebody in a really Ari-esque way (run in and shoot him with a paintball gun) off the staff of your show, but have it be the same guy you fire every week. Get creative and cruel with it lol Show nested quote +On October 01 2010 03:23 caelym wrote: 19-22: Getting into the business industry, professional networking, meeting women while busy with school and work, e-sports, tv shows (dexter, mad men, entourage, etc), gadgets/electronics
just some topics i thought up. you show idea sounds like one of those guilty pleasure shows that guys won't admit to watching. not if you have an outrageously manly things going on
^^, Kurtis, ok great reply here- I agree with what your saying and so to summarize: I keep my topics focused to start, get my legs under me and I guess I can't really f it up if I do what I like and get the audience who are into the same interests or at least my sincerity.
I would love to have some type of 'letters from the viewers' where I critique em or slag some hack at the end of the show...but as I go through these replies, I can't help but think that Giyom and Rekrul love it when I'm mean to people....lol. I don't know if I would shoot someone with a paint gun, but if I had 2 MMA chicks with me, they could give a beat down to the guest for like 5 mins, 2v1 in a mini-cage at the end of it. keke.
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 05:59 KurtistheTurtle wrote:Show nested quote +On October 01 2010 05:23 cowman wrote: 18 year old student here. while i find most of your topics interesting, i also know a lot of people that don't give a shit about poker and MMA. also i'd be interested in electronics Since this will be a variety show, one of the crucial aspects will be introducing topics in an interesting way. This involves 2 parts, 1) they have enough understanding of the topic matter to appreciate what is going on and 2) you show them something absolutely fucking amazing. When I tried getting my friends into SC I showed them the lurker dodge pimpest play (marine shock squadron). My friends who had gone through the campaign and played a bit of multiplayer freaked out and got real excited. It was lost on my friends who just basically knew what the game was and what it looked like because they couldn't understand how incredible it was. Luckily, though, my other friends freaking out was enough to get them interested and because of that we still play together today. But you probably won't have this luxury on a talk show, so you're going to have to be able to introduce the framework for people to understand something amazing. I don't know anything about MMA but I wrestled for 4 years in high school so I can sort of appreciate what those guys do, but I think really anybody can the way I do. If you had a small, entertaining segment about strategy (like pointing out something subtle but amazing that one fighter does) you could sneak it by me without me knowing. After enough of those, you show an orgasmic culmination of all the techniques training and sweat. I would be pretty excited
So toss out all the generic crap and just focus on the insight/knowhow- yeah that makes sense- but the wow factor...something to think about, if I can do something formulaic that brings out the opportunity to have a wow factor every show...
Korea (South)1897 Posts
On October 01 2010 07:46 shadesofkarma wrote:Big fan of your blogs  Anyways, I think having a western style variety show akin to Oprah is a bit of a stretch considering that you describe your target audience is as young "geeks". There is a reason why Oprah is not on prime time. Her target audience is homewifes with nothing better to do during the day, so they watch Oprah to pass some time. My interpretation (sorry if it is not accurate) is that your audience are urbanites/professionals/jet setters/business men. They typically would not have enough time to go through an entire show if it is too diverse and focus on some features that they may not care about. For example, if I am a someone who is interested in jet setter culture, I would not watch your show if you only devote 10 minutes to jet setting while devoting the remaining time to topics I may not necessarily care about, such as health and fitness. You mentioned GQ in your OP. The thing is, GQ is a magazine, a passive medium. If I wanted to read about fashion and politics, but not sports and automobiles, I can easily skip sections. With a TV show, it is much harder to do so, you may risk alienating some of your audience by having many segments on different topics. If I am a young professional watching your show, seeing stuff like MMA or e-Sports would be off putting, likewise, if I am an MMA enthusiast, seeing stuff about business and e-Sports would be off putting, and if I am an e-Sports follower/gamer.... well you get the idea. I get that in an ideal world, you want your audience to be people who care about all the topics that you talk about, but honestly, that demographic is so small that I don't see you making a profit which such a show. My advice would be to make the focus on business and professional development, with short segments on stuff that may interest your audience, such as health and culture. I would cut out the other stuff that really fit in the spectrum of such a show. Keep in mind this is only my personal opinion, I could be totally wrong and if this is really your dream you should follow it. Cheers!
Ok, well this brings up some great points as well: I think the show isn't going to be longer than 15 min max- so there isn't any way I can fit all this stuff in anyways. And I think if I make the show into a type of blog format of random topics, well then it becomes a video blog rather than show...but is this perhaps the more appropriate way and safer way to start off with because I do need time to figure things out and move up the learning curve here? In terms of the revenue model, its quite irrelevant as I will likely just have the sponsored investment projects I do in the background and just have some free exposure of those projects, and until the content actually has some worth, its pointless to think any further than that.
mmm...is 15 mins too short, too long....I briefly did a survey on youtube, I don't want to do this webcam casting or these 2 min opinion pieces, but 15 mins with a guest is quite short, 15 mins alone, well thats a hellva time.
I think what I need to do is look at this first in steps: so perhaps: video blog first, then talkshow after a few months. .... perhaps the smarter way to go about this; plus I'm going to be editing this myself and I think a talk show was too ambitious of a goal to start off with the more I think about this...I'm not pussying out, but maybe my enthusiam got the better of me at this point.
Time for a reality check...
Thats probably a good idea--starting out with a video blog. Your written blogs seem to be fairly popular as is, so you do know that you provide insight people are interested in. Video blogs also give you a lot more flexibility and have lower expectations as far as production values go.
As for the length, I wouldn't fret too much about it. As long as you are keeping it poignant, concise, and relevant, people will listen. Figuring out the topics is probably more important than the length at this point.
Yay, this is awesome. I'm still reading your blogs religiously. I also think that video blogs would be better to start out with. Just recently, I started browsing youtube and it's amazing how many great channels they have, also how many people subscribe to them.
Anyway, for me, I think everything you already listed covers most of the topics that I would be interested in since they're pretty broad. But, since, I'm 20, I would like if your show can offer help for some clueless young adults. Most of what you're doing with your blogs do help a bit with that already though.
I'll be looking forward to your show ^^