Starting rank: 31 platinum
Finishing rank: 11 platinum
Games played: 8
Games won: 6
Notes: Don't really remember anything besides losing 1 game cause I was listening to state of the game and not paying any attention and another game where some Terran player said Zerg was OP...
ZvZ: Tried some heavy zergling play with +1 attack (including 1 game where I messed up my gas so I go all in with +1 attack and +1 armor zerglings) banelings still an issue, but right now I'm just trying to ignore that issue, if I scout a baneling nest I'll get queens to block ramp or roaches...
ZvP: 1 ZvP Don't recall exact details, I just got some zerglings in his base (prevented an early wall using cyber core with patroling drone) and won... macro was terrible while microing lings.
ZvT: Lost 1 game due to having no idea what was even happening (distracted with podcasts) and a bunch of terran players who pretty much give me free wins due to bad control.
Eh... points wise was a good day (22 spots on ladder yay!) but all the games where pretty poor from both players my decision making is getting a little better but my macro always fails when shit starts happening.
Replays: replays
As always criticism is appreciated as are suggestions.
Let's have a good day 4!