Welcome (^-^) (WARNING: Picture Heavy)
I didn't really think I'd play anymore placement matches, but my brother came round yesterday and wanted to see what Starcraft was about so I played online to show him. I did end up finishing up all of my placement matches and was put into a league.
Now, which league was I put in? Could it be bronze? or just maybe I scraped through into platinum?
Well "strap yourself in boys" and let's see shall we?
Placement #3
Kanin Terran vs Silver Protoss on Delta Quadrant (I think). Will this be like last time where I throw away my game to DTs?
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%203/Screenshot2010-09-1712_44_01.jpg?t=1284724185)
Not really much to say to say about this match. 3 rax spamfest. He had a few zealots and a couple of stalkers which I quickly dispatched of. Walked into his base and saw he had void rays.
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%203/Screenshot2010-09-1712_44_10.jpg?t=1284724259)
Woohoo! Take that! Quick, clean, comfortable win ^_^ Take your mouthless butts back to Aiur! Oh wait, you can't because the Zerg ruined it. Oh well!
Record is now 2 wins and 1 loss
Placement #4
Kanin Terran vs Silver Terran on Metalopolis. I hate mirror matches with a passion x.x but I knew I was going to have to get used to it.
Same 3 rax (It's the only build I know D:!) going swimmingly. Few minutes in and:
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1712_55_20.jpg)
Uh oh, he's spamming marines. Can my ramp force hold him off or will be bust in, destroy my SCVs and send me crying home to my mommy?
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1712_56_05.jpg?t=1284725214)
He's destroyed my ramp force, he's in my base firing his lasers
"Kanin, your SCVs can take him out you silly bunny, send them"
I learnt to listen to the people this time!
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1712_56_14.jpg)
RAWR take that pesky marines! I'm the one who attacks first!
I take out his first force. He then sends a second marine force which my SCVs take out again.
For the next 5 minutes or so, he keeps throwing marines at me.
"Oooo Kanin, if he keeps doing this, he'll lose tons of unis, and you can just build up slowly, let's hope he keeps sending them!"
Pure and utter genius you're probably thinking. Why yes, I do agree.
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1712_58_08.jpg)
Whoops >_> I get a little sloppy when fighting off these marines
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1713_00_03.jpg)
I decide my mighty force is big enough. HAVE AT YOU, ENGARDE!
I quickly beat that force, and move my force in for the win.
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![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%204/Screenshot2010-09-1713_00_59.jpg)
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY *dances* another win for the mighty Kanin! I don't know what this person said, so if anyone could translate it, I'd appreciate it <3
Record: 3 wins 1 loss
Onto the final placement match, RAWR! This is the biggie, the decider! I can only pray that it isn't another Terran!
Placement #5
Kanin Terran vs Gold Random (Uh oh!) I haven't played a random before, but I'll still do the exact same build that has won me 3 games until this point! I build up, blah blah, scout, blah blah, and he's a Terran
*heart sinks*
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_23_51.jpg)
I made a HUGE mistake here. I didn't put any SCVs into this gas for ages. I couldn't get my stim until the 7 minute mark because of that blunder
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_24_06.jpg)
I'm getting a strong sense of dejavu here >_> Surely I'm not going to fall for what the Protoss did AGAIN am I. Surely I've learnt from that mistake?
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_25_18.jpg)
"This is how you lost against the Protoss you silly Terran!"
I know I know! D:!
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_26_13.jpg)
He's attacking my SCVs. If this was 3 games ago, I'd have done a very silly thing and sent my force back to defend, but NO! I have learnt from my silly mistakes
"Do NOT go back! You can lift off, and wipe his base out"
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_26_55.jpg)
BUGGER. He's also lifted off. I hope he's not going to force this into a stalemate *I pray*
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_27_37.jpg)
I take out that area. He can still force a statemate, I don't have enough money to rebuild.
![[image loading]](http://i871.photobucket.com/albums/ab271/KaninBunny/Placement%205/Screenshot2010-09-1713_27_56.jpg)
Record: 4 Wins 1 Loss
My final placement match. Now, what league was I put in? I'm quite confident I wouldn't be in Bronze, but I didn't think I could push for Platinum. Let's see!
There we have it. My Placement adventure. I hope you enjoyed it, I had fun making these blogs
You've been amazing
Good Luck and Have Fun ^_^ <3
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