Did you ignore the post that told you that you can just hold the key down? Unit production for all races repeats indefinitely while a key is depressed, same as in any text input in your OS.
Protoss: W -> Hold down unit hotkey -> spam click. Zerg: Hatch hotkey -> S -> Hold down unit hotkey. Terran: Building hotkey -> Hold down unit hotkey.
It works identical to spam clicking except it's faster and doesn't cause RSI. You're trying to make a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
Alright cool so we both agree you using ridiculous arguments that don't help with the discussion.
I don't know what's next, maybe the next person that doesn't appreciate the fact that Blizzard implemented a more easy macro mechanic will bring up another discussion about implementing unnecessary things into the game.
It would make the game easier, because with just doing something "once" as opposed to doing it multiple times would make it easier to do the NEXT thing on your to do list. (Sorry late response, I was doing something else.)
Sephy, you are probably mentally challenged. You should have that looked at. In the meantime, I'm banning you from my blog.
Magdain, I did see those posts, and I didn't know you could do that. I'm obviously going to try it, but dont you agree it would make more sense to press one key once rather than holding one down for a while (trying to time when you should let go)?
On August 27 2010 18:46 Osmoses wrote: No of course it's not hard to press the same key 10 times. I'm complaining about the repetitiveness, not the difficulty. Holding down the key is apparently an option, but why are you OK with that and against a hotkey?
Well implementing what you suggested won't take away the repetitiveness, but it will take a way the versalitity, encouraging people to just make one unit type at a time.
Well of course if you're wanting to make more than one kind of unit you wouldn't use this. And in this specific case, it would take away the repetitiveness of pressing the exact same button several times in a row.
This thread can't be serious.
I'd ask you to elaborate, but clearly this is not a popular idea, so fuck it.
Reading through this blog makes me sad. At first I did not want to respond but since I have te time I will  From the perspective of a Starcraft player who played SC1 and BW from the beginning on, this blog is just sad. When Blizz anounced that SC2 will have MBS, many many people said that its a joke and macro will be handled by a 5 yo kid. I agreed. Now, I think that MBS isnt that bad. Protoss would be just impossible without when there are more than 9 gates... Zerg would have an even harder time comparing to the other races and terran would be similar to their macro in BW. BUT, the idea to make 10 or 20 units with 1 (one) klick cannot be serious at all. Sorry if this sounds offending but be serious.... It would be such a joke. Maybe implement this for UMS or Singleplayer, but it just doesnt fit to the idea of competitive RTS gaming, which is one part that Blizz and the players really focus on!! I would even go this far and say that you could just let the computer play and you just sit back and watch. It wouldnt make the game easier at all. Your opponent could do the same so its fair..
How about zerg in BW? Select all larvae, press a key, get fifty mutas? Did that ruin the game?
Well no, but I honestly think that the macro is very balanced in SC2 the way it is. How should protoss make use of this with warpgates? Placing one unit and randomly getting the other units placed around? Well, I think what really made me thinking is that I just dont see any need for your idea. Never change a running system. Macro seems to be fine in SC2, why change it? If there is something to be changed its of course balance issues. It was the same with SC1 and BW. A million patches have been released until today to make/keep the game balanced. But thats another topic and is discussed more than enough here i guess  Now, that you know, that you can hold down a key to produce multiple units, do you still want this to be changed? I wouldnt be suprised if this is basically what you were asking for
Thank blizzard for even puting MBS in the game. We don't really need a "mass-key" unit. The idea to make more than 10 units with one single click just seem ridiculous to me. We don't really need an easier time to macro.
And I feel if blizzard were to implement a "mass-key" unit it would decrease the gap between a top macro player and a mediocre macro player.
That would make sense actually.. Wish they would include more hotkey bindings
On August 27 2010 18:13 neobowman wrote: It would make macroing even easier. Hey, I'm I need another round of units, 6a, done. Of course, warp-in is already ridiculously easy for Protoss and Zerg are left behind T_T.
lol yes it must be so hard for you to save up larvae on 200/200 so that you can insta max in 10 seconds after losing everything
The only thing I could think of doing would be adding in the type of mechanic used in the original Dawn of War games (and some other RTS games, but this is probably the most well-known), where you could right-click on the portrait (or some hotkey, I think it was ctrl-click), and it would automatically queue the unit again as soon as the previous unit finished. You could simply set the barracks to make marines, and forget about it.....
Granted, it got very, very annoying when you were trying to do other things and it would suck up your resources, which made controlling everything manually became far more efficient. But it was easy. And, over a few minutes, you would save a lot of clicks. But I know I wouldn't use it.
On August 28 2010 01:11 Osmoses wrote: How about zerg in BW? Select all larvae, press a key, get fifty mutas? Did that ruin the game?
unlike sc2 you cannot select 50 things at once in BW
On August 27 2010 22:34 Osmoses wrote: Sephy, you are probably mentally challenged. You should have that looked at. In the meantime, I'm banning you from my blog.
Magdain, I did see those posts, and I didn't know you could do that. I'm obviously going to try it, but dont you agree it would make more sense to press one key once rather than holding one down for a while (trying to time when you should let go)?
What about when I have 20 larvae and want to build 5 hydras, 5 roaches, 3 overlords and 7 drones?