I just got SC2 and I'm excited to play my friend over Battle net- he just got it, we were both uniformly bad at SC1 and it should be a lot of fun just goofing off together and learning the game as we go, right?
Well, I go to log on, and I need a Battle net account to do so. But wait, I already have an account from way back when I played WoW- it already has all my information on it, and I didn't sell my WoW character so all my WoW stuff is still on there too. I certainly don't want to make a new account, because of the valuable data on the one I already have.
So I go to log in, put my e-mail and my password, and they go through fine. Then the authenticator screen comes up. I used a keychain authenticator for WoW, and I still have it on my desk. I enter the 6 digit code as displayed on the authenticator and... Login Failed.
I try a few more times, every time fails. Weird, maybe I have my password wrong? So I go through the password recovery service, answer my secret question, get a new password, and try logging in with that. Once again the password and email go through but the 6 digit authenticator code doesn't.
Well now that's weird. So I look in the support section. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING relating to this issue. At all.
Eventually, by surfing the internet, I learn that this issue happens when an authenticator "desyncs." So I go back to the support site, search "authenticator desync" and get one result. It's a page that shows you how to resync and reset your authenticator...
...if you have the mobile authenticator, that is. No word about the keychain authenticators.
At this point, I try to post on the Battle.net customer service forums asking how to resync a keychain authenticator. Except that YOU NEED TO HAVE AN ACCOUNT TO DO SO. So obviously, I can't post about not being able to access my account, because I need to be able to access my account to post. Derp.
Back to Google again. After a little more searching, I get this thread on the WoW customer support forums: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=25626047754&sid=1
In summary it says, "if your keychain authenticator has desynced, you are boned up the ass. Try emailing support, or calling this number, I guess"
So I e-mail the Billing & Account Services Department and call my friend saying that I can't get on my account and I don't want to make a new one because I want to have my SC2 associated with the same account as my WoW data is on. He's cool with that and we both go off to play the campaign instead.
24 hours later, I've received a do-not-reply e-mail that confirms they got my complaint, but there is still no e-mail response from an actual human being.
I decide at this point to call the Blizzard Billing & Account Services Department directly. Using the number from the forum post above, I make the call, and get this:
"We're sorry, the hold queue is full and we cannot take your request at this time. *click*"
Not even like a "well, you're gonna have to wait for 5 hours" message. Nope, Blizz customer support straight up said that they don't have the time or resources to care about my issue.
I try calling 6 more times, with about a 1 minute wait each time. Same thing each time. Then on my sixth try, I get a BUSY SIGNAL. I've honestly never heard of a 1-800 number belonging to a massive corporation have a fucking busy signal.
So here I am, more than 24 hours after getting my game. Both my friend and I have already beaten the campaign, so there goes our idea of having a little competition as we learn the new units. Now, I'm just worried if I will be able to get my account back at all.
tldr version; my Battle.net authenticator desynced and is now locking me out of my own account. Blizz doesn't seem to give a shit.
EDIT- for the record, I do realize I can make a new b.net account for SC2. I might wind up doing so. But then I would be pissed that I lost all my WoW data. Anyway I needed to vent, thus this blog post.
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Yeah, there have been lots of problems with the new b.net and Blizzard's response. They're trying the best they can given the situation. I'd just hang tight for a bit and the situation'll probably right itself.
I personally believe that WoW is a plague on mankind, so maybe it would be good for you if you lost all your WoW data.
Are you hi19hi19 from SM? Because if you are, that's awesome. And if you aren't, it's still awesome, albeit slightly less so.
Happy ending: Today I continued to call the support number, after around 2 dozen tries I got into the waiting queue. I was told that the estimated time on hold was 32 mintues...
...an hour and a half later, the music stops and I get a woman's voice. She takes my info and, about 15 seconds later, resyncs my authenticator. All done, I can get back on now. Pretty painless.
Moral of the story: if at first you can't contact customer support, call 30 times more until you do.
I still think Blizz has pretty bad customer service, I'll cut them some slack because SC2 just came out but I've had better experiences with many other companies.
LOL we all know about goon suicide or vults suicide, but this is new - Blizzard suicide ^_^
If I'm not missing something here - you can merge your WoW account with your BN2 one...? And even if you don't merge, how do you lose any data on your WoW account? What kind of data are they? I'm just curious because I don't get what's the problem tbh.
Not happy ending: So I can get into my b.net account. Sweet, that's nice. I log out and log in again to make sure it works, then go off to dinner.
I got back from dinner half an hour ago. I have still not been able to associate my copy of SC2 with my account.
I enter my e-mail, password, and authenticator code. Then I wait. For like 5 minutes. And then a little red error pops up "This service not available." That's right, b.net isn't available to me anymore, apparently. I know it's not a problem on my end, seeing as the e-mail, password and authenticator worked before, and I can access any other page on the internet just as fast as usual.
So for the last half an hour I've been getting "This service not available." when I try getting on my account. Anyone else having this trouble?
I have to say, I miss the days where you were actually able to play a game after you bought it.
On August 07 2010 09:56 beetlelisk wrote: If I'm not missing something here - you can merge your WoW account with your BN2 one...? And even if you don't merge, how do you lose any data on your WoW account? What kind of data are they? I'm just curious because I don't get what's the problem tbh. Back in last November, in an effort to force b.net on everyone and get the WoW community ready for the transition to b.net 2, Blizz forced everyone with a WoW account to merge it with a B.net account. If you didn't, you couldn't play (even if you had paid for time).
So my WoW account and my B.net account are one and the same now. All my WoW characters, gear, items, etc. are associated with my particular b.net account. I really don't want to have two accounts, one for WoW and one for SC2, because all my billing information and stuff is on the WoW-merged B.net account, and I'd like to keep it all in one place. True I could have made another account for SC2, but at a more fundamental level, I didn't want to totally lose my WoW account, which is what would have happened had they not been able to reset my authenticator.
I feel sorry for you. Good luck :/
Huzzah, I've managed to activate it.
I think I'm actually able to play now. Brb checking.
EDIT- alright, I'm online. That only took 2 days! Off to call my friend now ^_^