Here I sit at work the day before launch. It's a lazy Monday about 2:22 pm. My foot is tapping away anxiously and my thoughts couldn't be further away from my experiments. I'm a scientist at UCLA, a postdoctoral scholar and I work on understanding the molecular mechanisms behind hypertension. But not today, not right now... Right now my brain is swimming with pictures of a massive Zerg rush, a Thor drop, and even a proxy gate. I'm thinking about back when I was in college in 1997 when I was playing vanilla Starcraft. Back then I wondered when Starcraft II would be released and how amazing it would be. Back when I played vanilla ladder and it was such a big pain in the ass because the game was set to 'fast' not 'fastest' and it took what seemed like forever to play a game. Back when I would play ladder until 4 in the morning and be so damn tired I would sleep right though a midterm. back when I actually failed a semester and had to withdraw from all of my courses because I did play far to much.... I remember playing before there was US West or US East. Back when there was really one main server. I remember hanging out in Channels such as Zerg Strategy and Channel Clan -X17. I remember when Incontrol and Testie first started getting good and when Smuft was no better than me and in my clan. I remember my old guilds -=VuP=-, LiZaRD, ~DaZeD and what those guys ment to me. I remember the first time I played X'ds~Grrrr... and how nervous I was...
Now is that time, today is that day, tonight is the release of the game I love and have loved for years. So here I sit at work, my foot still tapping and my mind still swimming with sweet thoughts of Starcraft 2. In my anticipation I even put together a friends and family clan. Tomorrow, when my copy of CE SC2 gets here from my friends at Amazon, I will be a truly happy.
See you on the battlefield.
I'd feel the same way if I didn't think sc2 is nowhere near as good as brood war.
hahha i am sitting here on a computer in a dentist office that i am interning at. i cannot contain myself...or think about anything besides sc2 O_O
United States24579 Posts
I got an e-mail that my sc2 shipped today so I'll get it tomorrow... I pray nobody needs to be home to sign for the package LOL
Gonna authenticate it at my parents' house then bring my computer to my new apt. which doesn't have internet yet.
Imma chemistry grad student, and today has been a very unproductive day. Been watching streams...