it was a super hyped amiga game, can barely find anything on the internet about it now
at the time it was my favourite game ever
here's one of the 3 videos it has on yt, amazed me this game got no attention because it was so awesome. its pretty much a cnc copy but its way better imo
On July 26 2010 22:46 Ghad wrote: So the first reports are coming that the first lucky players are installing Starcraft 2, as their time zone is coming to the 27th. This kinda reminds me of new years eve 1999-2000, when there was live coverage of the celebrations as they moved around the world with the time zones, we saw the fireworks in Sydney when it still was early in the day here. 8 1/4 hours left to midnight Oslo time now :D
On this last day before the release of Starcraft 2 I find it fitting to take a look back in time. But wait, this is not yet another article about Starcraft 1 or even Warcraft, others have written much better about these games than I could ever do.
What was your first true RTS? For me I have to say it was Command HQ, which I remember buying on a trip to England in the summer of probably 1991. It was a wargame where you could play one of the two factions in either WWI, WWII, or a hypothetical 1986 WWIII scenario, as well as a future scenario.
Of course things were a lot simpler back in those days, but all the core gameplay elements were there (even replays!), and the gameplay was incredibly fluent. I actually still play this game once in a while.
Edit: Note that there were quite a few strategy games that implemented some kind of realtime gameplay well before CHQ, but many of them had large parts of the game using static menu screens that would pause the rest of the gameplay. Granted you could actually regulate the ingame speed in CHQ to a full pause, but it was not default behavior. Examples: Realms, Megalomaniac, Populous. (Maybe even Ports of Call, event if it wasn't a war game.) Ahh, good times.
Command HQ! That was my first RTS as well, my dad's best friend had it first and then we got it as well. I remember the best I ever got up to was ??? setting (my favorite) mars god of war starting with ~500 B (you started with 50 B if I remember correctly). That game was truly revolutionary, had to be one of the first real RTS's.
First RTS I played was the original StarCraft... On the N64, too. I heard about it watching a friend play Warcraft 2. Shortly after a family friend gave me a copy of the PC version when I was 10 or 11 years old, saying that this one was "much better."