I'm going to start off and from here on out myself along with others in TL hopefully will make a story. I'll make some ground rules.
1)Try to keep within the confines of the story's world aka try not to go into the confines of the Starcraft world or any other type of mythological world. If this does happen just skip the person's turn.
2) Try to make a paragraph (or about five sentences).
3) If you really really want to kill the main character that is fine with me but you have to start in the same world, with another character that somehow is able to interact with the first character's death in a dramatic way.
4) Try to show and not tell. Don't say "I was scared."
5) Oh..almost forgot, keep it in first person present.
So without further or do...
I awake to the sound of a faint beeping. "Damn alarm," I say rubbing my forehead. I grasp my cell phone with a groan and turn off the alarm clock. Just another day in the life of Hunter Brennant, just another damned day at school, and just another day of my head aching first thing in the morning.
Sad part is I didn't even get drunk last night. I just stayed in eating pork grinds while watching the OSL championships--dorky I know, but it beats my mom interrogating me about where I was last night, who I was with, and what was I doing.
I roll out of bed. On the bright side, today is Friday: the second best day of the week.
I awake to the sound of a faint beeping. "Damn alarm," I say rubbing my forehead. I grasp my cell phone with a groan and turn off the alarm clock. Just another day in the life of Hunter Brennant, just another damned day at school, and just another day of my head aching first thing in the morning.
Sad part is I didn't even get drunk last night. I just stayed in eating pork grinds while watching the OSL championships--dorky I know, but it beats my mom interrogating me about where I was last night, who I was with, and what was I doing.
I roll out of bed. On the bright side, today is Friday: the second best day of the week.
With a calm smile I remind myself of the things that are gonna go right today. My girlfriend has invited me to her home for the first time without needing to buy her dinner. I was pleasantly suprised when I got the call. She has her upside but sometimes I think she is way to demanding. Especially since the orders she place is always the ones that burns the biggest holes in my tiny wallet.
I like my Jennifer better sometimes, the loveless lovemaking is more like a hobby than a job.
As I approach her house i feek like it's going to be a great day. I aproach the door, fix my hair, and then press on the doorbell. Two minutes pass by, she doesn't answer... I continuously ring the bell. Usually she answers the door very quickly, i start feeling the adrenaline in my body... Sudenly i hear screams.. I pound on the door and start shouting "HEY OPEN UP". I break the window next to the door and get inside, rush to her bedroom.... And there she is up on all fours having wild sex with her ex boyfriend...
Out of rage, i grabbed the nearest object the beat the shit out of her EX, without thinking i knew i was in deep trouble. My gf looked at me in the eye after her EX's dead body lie on the floor bloody. I did not know how to respond, i knew i had to make a great getaway the cops will be on my ass before i know it. Plus in addition to that, i don't have a job, and i sell cocaine in the streets, which would mean i will most likely have 30 years + in jail. I knew i had to make a plan...
I decided that while I was at it I might as well kill the little bitch as well. I beat her bloody and made a quick getaway. I had decided to make a new life in Canada, where no one knew my name. The land of maple syrup and Bioware. It was all coming together in my mind until a body struck my car while I was driving. I went out to check if the person was ok but when I walked out there was the my girlfriends body. Suddenly it started moving in a weird fashion. It writhed and suddenly she stood up with a knife in her hand.
By knife, I mean a kitchen butter knife. Not even death could keep a woman from her domestic duties. She brought out a sandwich and cut it as fast as her little female brain could let her, whole white bread with mayonnaise and thin slices beef and pork, the way god had intended for sandwiches and all things to be made. But there was just one problem, she had forgotten the ketchup.
With one swift backhand I slapped my girlfriend to the floor, adding to the disfiguration and discoloration already in her face. I threw the sandwich on the ground, and told her to go make another one. + Show Spoiler +I apologize for any feelings I hurt in this sad attempt at humor
Hurt deeply that she wouldn't even make me a good sandwich out of spite even when she was dead, I decided to get back in the car and drive over her body. Maybe a nice Canadian girl would make me a nice sandwich. Along my drive I found a dog and named him Bob. Now I had a little compatriot whom I could tell all my secrets too. I told that dog everything during our long drive. Time seemed to fly by but soon I was almost out of money. In order to get some extra dough, I stopped by a strip club to see if I could make some money with my body.