Hey guys,
day 3 went by and I realized that I can't play much without being able to host games. I managed 3 games in 90 minutes. I can't change ports in our router as it's complicated, so I have to rely on people willing to host games.
I played one guy who offered me to play some more, so I will add him to my friendlist later, and I got a clanmate who might have the time to play (shoutouts Methos! ;] ), but I would like to find one more person to play 1h when we both got time.
As I'm from Germany my time zone is CET, so someone from around Europe would be great. Or an American who likes latenight/early morning games. I would be available to play between 18-20 CET most of the time. So leave a message here or PM me.
MSN and ICQ are available for short notice communication as well. Oh and IRC of course.
I will recap day 3 later, as I think I'd rather gather the events of 2-5 days instead of posting a blog entry every single day.
Cheers ionize
I used to be an ok BW-player, but after the SC2 beta I just can't seem to handle playing BW again. I always forget putting workers to mine etc. etc., but I could still play with you if you want. I'm from Norway, so no timezone problems at least!
Skill level? I am C- protoss and I need to massgame. Reply if your interested and ill send you my msn id, i can play terran and zerg at about D+ as well occasionally
I feel for you man. Not being able to host games sucks  It's so hard to find a game after you have passed the lower ranks. All there are is koreans who leaves instantly from the game when they sense a slightest bit of a lag, and they will not even play with high lat/extra high. Which still works wonders with AH LL on.. :/
5003 Posts
I should be available. However, I'm pretty bad so I'm not sure how much help I can be at playing :O (i'm like a D rank Zerg)
just catch me on IRC on days where there's no PL games at that time and I should be down
pm me if you want to play vs a z player i can give you a few games