I made one a while ago for... something I don't remember what but people keep informing me that I have fans. And playing random custom games on bnet I keep getting recognized and told that they like my commentary. I'm still a little bit in denial that I have fans but whatever. I've been doing a lot more random unscheduled casts recently, so I figured hmm how can I let people know without posting all these tiny little posts in the SC2 Tournaments and Events forum just to let people know I'm doing a random cast.
Well the answer was quite clear I was already putting up status updates on Facebook except I dont have super amounts of friends there and most don't play SC2. So yeah I'm going to start using my twitter to let people know when I'm going online so if you're one of my (apparently existant) fans you should probably Follow me on twitter
End random announcement via blog, since it's about twitter heres a random picture of a bird.
LOL I was the one (EarthAbides) in nexus wars that played with you (sorry i sucked and we lost, that was my first game with nexus wars lol). Just wanted to say thanks for contributing so much to the community. I was just like... oh shit, i recognize that guy. GG
*sniff* they grow up so fast
Every time I go to that website I make a post.. like once a month or so.. But I never figure out what its for LOL. anyway, added just in case... There's now officially more SC people than real people on my twitter.