Went to karaoke tonight, and I went at a good time where I joined a bunch of wasted people while completely sober myself. Got 15/10/5 numbers (total/girls/hot girls). Usually I only grab numbers from girls I want to call up again later, but I've learned that guys/fugly chicks usually have at least 1 hot female friend/roommate/whatever so it’s usually worth the effort.
Anyway, I really, really, really liked one of the girls. She had my eyes glued the moment I sat beside her; she was just gorgeous, inarguably cream of the crop. After chatting for a good half hour I realized this was someone I could have a serious relationship with. Maybe I'm just blinded by my infatuation, but she seemed quite perfect in every way; gorgeous, smart, goes to my university, lives relatively close by, etc etc. so naturally I was quite shocked upon hearing about her single-status. We hit it off really well, got her number, asked her causally to go out sometime, and received a more than positive response.
An hour later, the friend who invited me pulls me aside, and gives me the bro talk,
Peter: "Hey man, I saw you with Michelle tonight, please stay off her man".
Me: "Why? I really like... no, we really like each other."
Peter: "I know, I know, I saw. But she's my ex's best friend and roommate so it's probably not going to work out."
Me: "Uh... What? I don't follow your logic. It's not like I'm trying to date your ex or anything."
Peter: "*Pause*. Fuck it, we've been bros forever so I'll just come clean with you. I love her. It'd kill me to see you with her."
Me: "FML please now".
I turned defensive/annoyed/angry, knowing that he has very little chance with her especially considering how much his ex badmouthed him in front of Michelle. But in the end, it was Bros before Hoes; I promised him to leave her alone.
We left the karaoke place around 2am, driving back to my friend's place for an after party. The entire time Peter was hitting on Michelle, while it was clear that she had absolutely no interest and was quite annoyed in the end. We drank some more at his place and ended up playing super-lame strip / truth or dare poker, felt like middle school but hey, I'm not going to complain about wasted and half-naked chicks.
An hour earlier Michelle asks me drive her back home, and her roommates/friends very inconsiderately asked to tag along. Partly because Michelle was just amazing, and partly due to the fact that I was still royally pissed off at Peter, I agreed to drive her despite Peter’s death stare the entire time. Right before I left, Peter taps me the shoulder and told me that we were done. I drank some Ginseng tea, splashed some cold water on my face, got all sobered up, drove, and mostly likely lost a good friend. We arrived 10 mins later, and after clearing the drunken chicks out of my car, the following events happened.
Michelle: “Hey I don’t wanna go up yet, I’m kinda hungry, let’s go grab a bite to eat.”
Me: “Sure, that sounds great.”
Michelle’s roommate: “Oh me too, let’s go to MacDonald’s I think they’re still open.”
Michelle: “ *Jaedong death stares her roommate*.”
Michelle’s roommate: “ oh… kk have fun guys. *wink*”
Me: “I know this great Chinese place, we could go there they’re open really late.”
Michelle, “Actually, I was thinking we could head to your place.”
Me: “*Long pause* Sure, that sounds good.”
We parked at my place, and started to walk towards the front lobby. She grabbed my hand and smiled at me, leaning against my shoulder while we walked. I unlocked my front door quietly in fear of sleeping roommates, and we kissed.
Like every cliché romance drama, I came to my senses half-way through the heavy slobberfest.
Me: “Uhhh I’m sorry, I can’t do this, I just can’t.”
Michelle: “Uhhhhh what? I thought you really liked m…”
Me: “I do I do, it’s just that… ughgghghg fuck my life, I just can’t betray my friend.”
Michelle: “Peter? Wow you have nothing to worry about, it’d be a cold day in hell before I go on a date with him.”
Me: “It’s not that, I just can’t do this to him. Look, I’m really, really sorry. I’ll drive you home if you want.”
Right then, she lost it, “Wow what a fucking little pussy you are. I throw myself onto you and this is the shit you try to pull on me? What the fuck? Who the fuck cares, I can’t believe I wanted to sleep with such a little fucking pussy tonight. Fuck you. Maybe you and Peter could rub your tiny dicks together instead tomorrow. I’’m gone asshole.”
I’m so fucking depressed right now, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this shitty my entire life. I’m such an enormous fucking pussy I wouldn’t be surprised if I wake up as a giant fucking vagina with a ten-inch clit tomorrow. It’s not just the fact that I just completely blew it with probably the girl of my dreams, but also because I’m abhorring myself for my indecisiveness all night long. I could have had at least Michelle or Peter, it was such a simple choice and I somehow fucked up so hard that I ended up losing both. What the fuck, seriously, a fucking ten-year old girl has more balls than I do. I feel so emo right now, I hate myself. I need to fucking never fail this hard again and grow some fucking balls.
Shitted on in the face and completely raped in every metaphorical sense, I retire to TL for the MSL finals.
$150 on the line, Flash better fucking win tonight. Karma/luck better balance itself or I might just kill someone tomorrow.