Hello, I have started to play broodwar again because it's such a better game than sc2 and LoL is getting annoying so I was wondering if any one would want to play games with me?
I'm not planning on laddering since I got bored of laddering when I hit c- before the beta began. I just want to play around trying crazy strategy's and getting mediocre again. I'm not sure of my rank right now but I'm guessing below D+ above D-.
Protoss was my main but I will play all races.
eK.hazmat @ iccup~ add me!
I added you but you're not even online! SUP YO?
join a team with players your level and make friends there, getting games is alot easier if you play under the same tag. There are plenty of teams that encourage D level players to join too.
On May 25 2010 09:36 Eiserne wrote: I added you but you're not even online! SUP YO? Sorry dude, eating. I'll be on soon
On May 25 2010 09:37 FyRe_DragOn wrote: join a team with players your level and make friends there, getting games is alot easier if you play under the same tag. There are plenty of teams that encourage D level players to join too. I was (am) on a team but pretty sure they're too good for me since I haven't played in forever. Also, I don't want to join a team just to play some fun games every now and then.
I'm about D/D+ Terran level last time I checked, and probably really out of practice, but i'll play a few games if you want. Iccup ID is "hemoc"
League of Legends, I think
anyone can add my account Tonsils if they want
I am the same as op in that I like to just screw around and do fun things
*I wont be on at all for the next 1-2 weeks at least, because I'll feel guilty if I don't focus on school until exams
Yeah it's League of legends, a free dota style game.
Today was fun, realized how terrible I got. Btw if you're reading this, which of you was iaaan and which of you was toihiker?
i added ya. if i see you online, ill whisper you
I'm usually in about the same ranking region and have been waiting for some free time to start playing again. Hopefully that'll be soon! My iccup tag is thrillho, I'll probably not be on for a few days, but when I do get back to the game, give me a message and we'll play a few games.
yes-attack on iccup Added ya
just /join op irc on iccup whenever u log on. that channel is getting kinda empty nowadays.
I am -5HITCOMBO- on Iccup please add me!
I'm protoss, and pvp is so important to practice because of all the protoss's in lower levels.
is your internet good enough to not lag vs someone playing from bangladesh? if so im definitely up for it :3