We Made Fox Terran: Midas?
Belgium9943 Posts
I think this shouldn't apply to ace btw.
I guess you're not including people caught in the scandal either.
the hite depth chart looks sad.
WMF t: midas SKT1 z: SoO Ace t: Casy eSTRO p: Sangho KT z: 815 Oz P: spear
Would also swap violet and stats if we look at recent performance, violet playing like a shade of his former self compared to r1 and r2 :\
On May 24 2010 21:00 Aus)MaCrO wrote: We Made Fox Terran: Midas?
peddle your lies elsewhere good buddy
I'm so glad FBH still made #1 Terran for KHAN =)
SKT T1 z : SoO WMF T : Midas KT z : 815 !!!
ACE #2/3 T = Casy/Darkelf(So is the rumor true?)
SKT1 #3 Zerg = n.die SoO
for some of the teams, even if they are "deep", the people included aren't exactly good, esp. wemade's protoss lineup.
If you check the TLPD entry for each team and sort the players by Elo is gives a good start. For example, STX:
(Z)Calm 2189 pts (P)Kal 2167 pts (P)Shuttle 2157 pts (T)Shame 2152 pts (Z)July 2132 pts (T)Bogus 2098 pts (Z)hero 2095 pts (T)Last 2046 pts (Z)Modesty 2045 pts (T)FrOzen 김동건 2033 pts (T)Notice 김경효 2022 pts (P)SoO - (T)ToSsGirL - (P)Trap -
So, Zerg: Calm / hero / Modesty (July is in the b-team) Terran: Bogus / Last / Frozean (Hwasin? Who?) Protoss: Kal / Shuttle / --- (SoO and Trap just don't play, ever)
Of course, this don't exactly measure how deep the team is, maybe if you included some sort of minimum Elo ranking, for example, 2100. So STX would be:
Zerg: Calm / - / - Terran: - / - / - Protoss: Kal / Shuttle / -
These are the players that are always playing. Modesty is a ZvZ specialist/sniper and Hero is more like Calm-has-already-played-but-we-expect-someone-who-is-bad-vZ-or-a-protoss
Using the same criteria on Oz you get: Zerg: Jaedong / - / - Terran: HiyA / - / - Protoss: - / - / -
And KT: Terran: Flash / ForGG / - Protoss: Stats/ Violet / Tempest Zerg: - / - / -
Estro: Terran: Really / Classic / - Protoss: - / - / - Zerg: - / - / -
CJ: Zerg: Effort Terran: Iris / Skyhigh Protoss: Movie
The biggest problem in using Elo rankings is that BW's up and down have short periods, like three or four months, while Elo is based in the last year (IIRC). Maybe a better criteria would be how many points a player got in the last three KeSPA rankings... actually that isn't a very good criteria either since the higher you are in KeSPA the harder it is to get points.
Ran out of ideas.
EDIT: Checked out Kespa Points, they are too erratically from one month to the other, look at Calm's points in Jan. Mar. Apr and May: 2049,8, 1920,4, 1829,3, 2051,6
Maybe combining more criteria gets better results: 1) Elo is over 2100 OR 2) Gained more than XX% in Kespa Points compared to 3 months ago.
#1 implies that top players will be included (it's hard to get more KeSPA points at the top #2 if fore rising stars. The XX should be based on how many he had 3 months ago, players at the bottom should have XX = 300% while for Top 30 XX = 20%
If one takes a look at KeSPA Top 20 players, everyone in there are sure bets in the Proleague matches, so just to be safe: 1) Elo is over 2100 OR 2) Gained more than XX% in Kespa Points compared to 3 months ago OR 3) Player is at KeSPA Top 20 list.
--> Criteria #3 is there because I don't expect anyone to make a formula for the XX value. If a good one is created, the third criteria is meaningless.
For SKT T1, the third spot would be TheZerg....
it's pretty fascinating though how TheZerg was not an original SKT Zerg (or at least Hyuk and s2 were there longer than he was). He sure won a few games after the trade but I'm not sure if he made some great games after.
or maybe soo..
I just did it by going to fantasy stats and checking how many lineup appearances each player made, if there weren't 3 players of each race then I sorted by dream league appearances.
On May 25 2010 02:27 jalstar wrote: I just did it by going to fantasy stats and checking how many lineup appearances each player made, if there weren't 3 players of each race then I sorted by dream league appearances.
Your criteria is a good way to sort the players, but almost every team has three players of each race, so it doesn't really measure depth if you don't include a lower limit of appearances, i.e. 5. Good players are send often, so the longer the list of players that have five or more matches, deeper the team is.
EDIT: Let's do STX with a minimum of 5 matches: Zerg: Calm (2) Protoss: Kal (1) / Shuttle (3) Terran: -
KT: Terran: Flash (1) / ForGG (2) Protoss: Shuttle (3) / Violet (4) Zerg: Hoejja (5)
* numbers in () means the Rank in lineup appearances of the player in his team matches.
Hmm... let's try by number of victories (min. of 4): STX Protoss: Kal (1) / Shuttle (4) Zerg: Calm (2) / Hero (3)
Now Oz: Zerg: Jaedong (1) Terran: HiyA (2) / Lomo (3)
KT: Terran: Flash (1) Protoss: Stats (2) / ForGG (3)
WeMade (not ranking anymore): Baby, Roro, Midas, Shine
EDIT2: Yet another criteria: value in TL Fantasy Starcraft, minimum of $4 STX: Kal / Calm / Shuttle / Hero KT: Flash / Stats / ForGG Oz: Jaedong WeMade FOX: Baby / Roro / Shine / Midas CJ: Snow / Effort / SkyHigh / Hydra / Iris Khan: Stork
I kinda like this one, anyone knows the value is calculated?