well, i havent been blogging for a while but i have been busy too. school sux as usual!!! but at least its a week from over. well today i spent at least an hour watching the HDH invitationals and it was quite fun. also had a good person who answered any of my questions (thanx penguin!) So as i watched White-ra and Idra go at it for 6 rounds i was wondering the question:
Is it ok to cheese? or should you not? or is it good in certain situations? I would appreciate any input! thanx! oh and if your around the beta world, find me! my name is duke now, cause im stupid and typed in someting randome for reasons i dont know. so find me!
You gotta do what you gotta do to win.
Cheese keeps the game honest.
Cheese when you feel like it (If thats every time you play sc2, thats fine).
United States24585 Posts
On May 24 2010 12:24 snotboogie wrote: Cheese keeps the game honest. Exactly... cheese is basically fine if it's actually improving your chances of winning. If some crazy macro build becomes too popular and you blind proxy all-in to respond that's ok.... but if you just blind proxy all-in because you are lazy or something like that then after a while you will start to strain the online community.
cheese done in a series with strategic reason is fine
cheese done as a crutch to abuse rank/make up for lack of skill in standard play is not okay.... you don't deserve a rank if you purely cheesed up to there
On May 24 2010 12:24 snotboogie wrote: Cheese keeps the game honest.
Pretty much this. Take pvt in BW for example. I'm pretty sure nothing "standard" straight-up beats 12 nexus so why doesn't protoss do it every game? Because then people start going BBS and you lose. People need to cheese for the sake of the game.
credit suisse
the option is alwayas there sir.
esp against greedyass punk friends who do 3 hatch b4 pool
anything that brings in the most wins is fine. Cheese is still surprisingly powerful because people are too idiotic to deal with it.
On May 24 2010 12:42 OMin wrote: cheese done in a series with strategic reason is fine
cheese done as a crutch to abuse rank/make up for lack of skill in standard play is not okay.... you don't deserve a rank if you purely cheesed up to there
y not?
I never enjoyed being cheesed nor do i ever tried to pull it off myself. That's because im a new player and for me games that involve cheese is a waste of time, because i don't really learn much from them (other than dealing with cheese)
But in tournaments its a different story, people will risk and do anything to win and that is entirely fine and is not considered bad mannered or unprofessional.
Basically you can do whatever you want to achieve a win.
In my book there are two types of "cheese":
Type #1: carefully studied and developed "cheese". Type #2: "PLEASE GOD MAKE HIM FORGET TO SCOUT "cheese".
Type 1 is very okay and highly recommended. It makes the game much more entertaining. Though in order to do this a player needs the basic understanding of the game, and this understanding can only be achieved by playing a fuck load games, trying out all types of BOs .etc. Also it requires deep analysis of his opponent's playing style, his previous matches (wins and losses). Every single thing is taken into account to produce a successful type #1 cheese, or more appropriately in this case, a strategic play. Obviously, for a newbie, this is almost, if not completely, out of reach.
Type 2, needless to say, is full of luck and lulz.
Having said that though, ff you could guarantee that luck would favor you 80% of the time then hell yea, go for it. You could even beat the shit outta Flash if that. But we all know that's not usually the case, or at all.
Cheese the ladder to the rank that you know you can compete in, THEN focus on standard play to improve. For example, I was placed into silver due to dropping 3/5 of my placement matches so I've been cheesing every game to get to where I belong a lot faster. Sadly 7 rax reaper with proper micro works all the way up to diamond with a near perfect success rate, which shows how easy it is to cheese since this build can be perfected by bronze noobies.