- channels - watch replays with friends - clan manager - overall ladder - website ladder (like w3, c&c) - tournament manager - complete profile stats (iccup-like) - stream tools - official replays website by blizzard. Upload directly from the game - lan latency - multiple accounts (to be able to play one race / account for exemple) or any other way to fix that - high/low ground handicap - F2 F3 location hotkeys, how could i forget that .. - cross servers account.
I'll post more
there are tons of keys out. Watch out
good list, if were just talking about Battle.net 2.0 then the only thing I would wanna add, it's a big one however, is lan latency.
- option to choose non-regional-segregated battle net.
my wish list -computer that is capable of runing sc2 (no money ) -beta key (actualy this would be easy w/how easy it is to get beta keys now they are EVERYWHERE!) -??? -profit!
On May 09 2010 23:18 7mk wrote: good list, if were just talking about Battle.net 2.0 then the only thing I would wanna add, it's a big one however, is lan latency.
added, obv!
Sad part is, this is really only a wish list. Blizzard want their facebook intergration.
My wish list: eSports success in North America
On May 09 2010 21:19 sob3k wrote: Scalable health bars
On May 09 2010 22:28 aeroH wrote: ^ what does that mean?
It mean a slider bar you can twiddle with to make units health bars larger or smaller.
oh and of course the high/low ground handicap
My SC2 wishlist: - Old Medic icon and voice for the Medvac instead of the current ones.
- F2 F3 location hotkeys, how could i forget that ..
who has extra beta key give it to me pls
Don't forget playing on different servers. Am I the only one who has a problem with that?
On May 17 2010 20:38 h3r1n6 wrote: Don't forget playing on different servers. Am I the only one who has a problem with that?
ah yes.. so much things..