So, in my last post I mentioned my opinion on openings for ZvZ. The above two replays show, that the common FE roach opening is far too inferior to a 1 base roach play. In the Metalopolis game my opponent was marked as slightly favored, in the LT game me.
Basically, I can put so much more pressure on him from early on. Kiting the defending roaches out of sunken range is essential in the first few moments, but once you get like 3 more roaches than him you can be a bit more aggressive. Also, most Zergs suck at sunken placement so you may try to run up the ramp. Queens are no match for roaches, so if you feel comfortable taking on his roach army, you don't have to worry about queens.
You would be able to stall a 1 base roach push by playing mass lings and rushing to lair for hydras, though. The ideal counter to THAT would in turn be a defensive roach FE I think, but I was never in a position to try that out.
Enjoy. GGs.
Edit: Also, I am fucking around a bit with my extractor and pool timings, and I think the build on Metalopolis was a bit too early gas/pool. I was worried for a moment when he outmassed me, but queen saved my ass (I absolutely LOVE the infusion).
Edit 2: Also, after the initial roach push it would be easy to take a double expo while keeping the pressure on him from 1 base roaches (with infusion). Although double expo would require him to be too afraid to move out for like 5 minutes so the eco can kick in, so I think standard expo would be recommended.