So some girl adds me on facebook. We have 2 mutual friends, a couple of guys I know went to my highschool. I look at her profile and see it's really new, probably created this day. She has like 20 other friends at the time. Check it out here.
Because she's fucking hot as hell, I of course accept and we talked on facebook chat for like 5 minutes. Apparently she's been homeschooled all her life (she would be in grade12 now) and has a super-protective mom that doesn't let her out often. She's adding random people in her area that she doesn't know.
Too good to be true? Seems like it has to be some sort of scam shit to me. Or a pedophile. What do you think?
Also, on another note, how fucking hilarious is it to immedaitely see a bunch of guys write "o heyyy how u doin what r u sayin tonite yo?" immediately.. lol.
Looking at her profile for 2 seconds screams scam.
Maybe it's your friends messing around with you. I have a friend who loves pretending to be hot girls on Facebook and blackmailing them with embarrassing chatlogs.
A girl like that with only 60 friends...
Worst case scenario, the talk you had was automessages which triggers after each message received, predicting the course of the conversation
Most likely it's a scam, yeah. Or a really horny teenager who's been overprotected and will put anything up her bajingo - either way it's a losing situation, as far as I'm concerned
I doubt a super-protective mom would let her buy clothes like that. But it's possible, most likely scam.
We had a good conversation, no way it was ever scripted.
I do notice she added all guys though..
duuuude it's real, try and hook up with her
I just can'tfigure out what the scam is. Like it just screams scam, but it's not one of those things where it's like "omg chek out my site"
Enjoy my sloppy seconds.
Btw, she likes Chopin and enjoys reading Immanuel Kant's views of philosophy.
Meet her in real life and you'll know if its a scam or not
Just forget about it. 10/10's are awful in bed anyways.
Canada5565 Posts
Hook up with her and tell us if she has a penis or not.
But yeah, I smell troll. Just look at recent activity lol.
United States4796 Posts
This thing screams troll.
Talk to her for another 5 minutes and she'll reveal her fortune that you have to pay $1000 to access.
On February 13 2010 12:04 MaReK wrote: Added.
rofl that's funny. Anybody else willing to add her? I'd like to see how many TLers can add her.
But ya seems very fake.
So stupid. Why do ppl fall for something this obvious?