The kicker is that even when I press the hotkey, there is no response. I believe the hotkey for viewing replay in singleplayer is R? When I pressed that it didn't work. I then had a nagging feeling that the hotkey wasn't R, so I typed V, I, E, W, R, E, P, L, A, Y and none of them worked. Then I tried out W, A, T, C, H just in case and none of them worked either lmao
I can only conclude that somehow the replay button is missing? btw I am using the full game installation not some random iccup rip. With that being said I can still watch replays by going to "Play custom game" and then browsing to the replay directory. However I would very much like this error to be fixed, did anyone have this type of error before?
I am blaming this on Win7 because I have no such problems on XP/Vista