Whatup ya'll? So I have to write a long research/argument paper on a topic of my choice by tomorrow and the requirements include a "survey" or a poll that relates to my topic. I am trying to prove that Humans are actually a bacterial infection upon the Earth and all we do is harm it and its inhabitants. Almost everything we do pollutes the ozone: We burn fossil fuels, cut down trees (it releases CO2 at a much more rapid rate than normal), contaminate water with our chemicals and we build cities that ruin the natural land (LOL LOS ANGELES).
My question to you guys is what you think about this whole idea.
Poll: Are Humans Bacteria Upon the Earth? (Vote): Yes, we ruin the earth through our bacterial ways. (Vote): No, we are just the dominant species (Vote): I have a different opinion (please explain)
I agree with your point and understand the basic premise to it, in essence that we are bad for the planet. However I think you should replace the word bacteria for something else. Off the top of my head I can't actually think.
We're just the dominant species, and the reason we pollute kill destroy everything is all because of money and stuff (basically concepts which originated from our own minds). Actually our intellect may be our own downfall. :s
I wrote this paper almost against my own ideas. I think that we are the dominant species and I am using that idea as my counter argument. I paralleled humans to the disease "necrotizing fasciitis" which is the flesh eating bacterial infection and said that humans eat the flesh of the Earth through our activities. This parallel keeps losing power though
OO? You wrote a long paper not knowing whats the difference between a parasite and a bacteria? You do realize that without bacteria we wouldnt exist and most bacteria are actually useful to the world oO
What are you majoring in or are you still in High School? I suggest changing bacteria to parasite immediately and actually search up the words on wikipedia.
Also btw if you are including non living objects + ecosystems in your definition of a parasite most organisims will be parasites in one way or another inevitabely for their source of energy/metabolism/materials/resources for growth/synthesis. So yeah even though it sounds like a good metaphor the idea is pretty meh, but you can work the paper as a symbolic representation of the rather large negative influence our species is inflicting upon this world. Research your paper more, and if this is not for a general english class you have to rewrite most of this stuff.
I think bacteria are the dominant species. There's really no way we can get rid of them, whereas they could potentially get rid of us (bubonic plague made a good effort). Also, in terms of numbers, Wikipedia says that there are about 5 x 10^30 (five nonillion) bacteria in the world, compared to ~7 x 10^9 (seven billion) humans. Also, humans could not live without bacteria--there are more bacterial cells in your body than human cells, and these bacterial cells are essential in digestion. Bacteria, of course, would be just fine without humans around.
ur under the impression that bacteria are something destructive by nature. not the case. use your words carefully. i dont even think parasite would apply because we do not live in another organism's intestine or shit like that. damn dude this is gonna be bad paper, u got 0% supporting your idea lol. and btw, humans are only responsible for like 1% of the world's total co2 emmissions or something crazy low like that. everything emmits co2 into the atmosphere, a crushing wave, a cow's fart, etc. gl, ur gonna need it
edit: and one last thing...if ur trying to make it seem like "destroying the earth and using up its resources" is a horrible thing, u have to prove that its a horrible thing. and u have to prove why a human cutting down a tree is so much more horrible than an ant eating a little leaf. ur really just jump-starting your paper from the popular point of view of "omg humans are destroying the planet we are so bad" and thats weak. not too long ago humans used to think the earth belonged to them and it was in their rightful nature to exploit it, and some still do (i, for one, agree with this to a certain extent). after all, we are all living organisms, and we have to utilize resources to survive. unless ur advocating to the extermination of the human race. then i'd be interested in your paper.
Bacteria are a type of organism, nothing to do with humans. And many bacteria are not harmful. I think you're looking for a word that implies humanity is an infectious disease or pathogen. But the thing is, any species with our level of consumption is going to harm the earth. It's not really our species thats the problem, it's just that there's too many of us, using too many resources.. kind of like an algae bloom or something similar.
Ripoff from The Matrix I presume? It is not a bacteria, we are a virus. We infest a source(aka planet) and drain all the power and energy until it is nothing left, and the source dies. Just like virus does. We use the oil and other fossil fuels that are not renewable. Then eventually we will be our own doom cuz we use and spend and dont think about the future, even when we do care about the future we dont change our behavior at all.
A virus does not live on its own as a bacteria does. A virus infests another bacteria, thats the only way they can survive. So u can change the bacteria with the earth. A bacteria itself can be a good thing, but some are not. But they dont live off other sources as a virus does.
My English there might not be good enough but watch this clip from the Matrix. This might give u some tips
On November 18 2009 02:11 samachking wrote: OO? You wrote a long paper not knowing whats the difference between a parasite and a bacteria? You do realize that without bacteria we wouldnt exist and most bacteria are actually useful to the world oO
What are you majoring in or are you still in High School? I suggest changing bacteria to parasite immediately and actually search up the words on wikipedia.
I didn't think about the definition of bacteria and confused it with parasite. I'm a sophomore in college majoring in engineering. Also my idea was more of a figurative parallel than a scientific definition because the Earth, although it is "living" it is not biologically an organism in itself.
I was thinking though maybe I could bring up the idea that some humans are good bacteria while most are bad. For example "environmentalists" could be considered good for the earth and oil companies could be bad bacteria, this way I don't run into the problem of arguing that environmentalists are still parasites. I did consider the word parasites but bacteria seemed more fitting for some reason...
Its for english comp 2 which is a general english class that I hardly care about but i still want a decent paper.
On November 18 2009 02:11 samachking wrote: OO? You wrote a long paper not knowing whats the difference between a parasite and a bacteria? You do realize that without bacteria we wouldnt exist and most bacteria are actually useful to the world oO
What are you majoring in or are you still in High School? I suggest changing bacteria to parasite immediately and actually search up the words on wikipedia.
I didn't think about the definition of bacteria and confused it with parasite. I'm a sophomore in college majoring in engineering. Also my idea was more of a figurative parallel than a scientific definition because the Earth, although it is "living" it is not biologically an organism in itself.
I was thinking though maybe I could bring up the idea that some humans are good bacteria while most are bad. For example "environmentalists" could be considered good for the earth and oil companies could be bad bacteria, this way I don't run into the problem of arguing that environmentalists are still parasites. I did consider the word parasites but bacteria seemed more fitting for some reason...
I added a bit on your topic by editing my post, the thing is, as an objective metaphor while including a-biotic systems within the definition of a parasite, every living thing( to my knowledge, there might be exceptions) is a parasite since they consume resources, although they give back resources in their own way, its still usually not a symbiotic relationship completely. A better way to do this paper is to think of the biosphere as a zero-sum game of parasitism and limited resources, and we humans at the top of the chain consume the most resources and hence are the greatest parasites to this world, thats a cool spin on it.
edit:English class, I suppose if the teacher isnt too picky just go with it, its a nice metaphor. If she is gay about it she probably has too much time on her hands.
Yeah, I have to agree, you are using a very bad analogy, parasite would work best...I don't really think virus would work at all, and bacteria is just kinda retarded. A good portion of bacteria is helpful to the larger organism that it lives in/on. (There are bacteria in our digestive systems that pretty much digest our food for us, or at least break it down into things that we can digest.)
Edit: Well, seems from above others have already steered you away from bacteria.