Now you may say this is dumb idea, but at least I'm not posting 20 consecutive messages OMG! THIS IS CRAAZY! on TL's Match Threads. In fact, I'm trying to improve my game knowledge, so I make predictions, explain why players are doing certain things etc. I guess this is at least a bit better option than messing up TeamLiquid with chat-like posts.
So far, Twitter annoys me either when I have to deal with spamming followers, or (worse) when I reach maximum tweets per day. That's right: they allow 140 messages only and you have to pay (!) or you shall wait couple of hours to start posting again. This is how I couldn't finish my Movie vs Light live report, even if the game was already getting epic.
Poll: What would you like to see on Twitter live coverage?
(Vote): Deep strategical analysis
(Vote): Funboyism, subjective approach
(Vote): Facts, statistics, results
(Vote): Mix it, man!