A bit of background first, this blog will be mainly be used to help me analyze my ICCUP games and give me something to look back at and view my progress.
Right now I am a decidedly D level Protoss player. Been playing for several years just with friends until I found out about GOM during season 2 and became totally sucked into the Korean scene. During this time I developed many bad habits such as poor hotkey usage that I have been working to improve.
I've only played a total of right around 50 games on ICCUP and am trying to play much more this season. One of my largest problems right now is that my PvP and PvZ are absolutely terrible. My win rate is identical for both, 12.5%. My PvT is decent in comparison at 43.8%. My goal for this season is to to improve my PvP and hopefully hit end the season at D+.
One major weakness that can be seen in most of my games is that I almost always overestimate the number of units my opponent has. As a result, many of my games drag on far longer than they should and when I look at the replay I had 2x the supply of my opponent most of the game. I suspect that this will improve as I play more games and develop a better game sense. Any tips on how to expedite this process are appreciated.
Anyone around my level who want to play a few games feel free to let me know, always interesting to play against other members.