$30 shipped seems kind of outrageous, yes.
Those things are huge. o.o
I know someone that has one, unfortunately I don't know anything else about it.
Real didgeridoos aren't cheap. The price range that i have seen goes from about a 100 to 2000+ dollars, depending on wood, tone, painting, soundquality etc. The only ones I have seen that are about 30 dollars are "fake" ones intended for decoration.
It could be that u found a really nice deal, but i would be a bit cautious and look around a bit more.
i own two, am decent at playing it (can circular breath and make a fair amount of different sounds). don't play often any more due to didge-playing friends moving away and other life changes.
my advice to someone buying one depends on what their life is like. - if you are already seriously a musician and just want to add this instrument i would spent money on a good instrument with art on it you will like. - if in all honesty it is going to become something to be more like a conversation piece at parties and to goof off with occasionally maybe focus on the art on it. - if you think you're serious about playing it but don't seriously play a musical instrument at this point i would get a cheap one without art on it. then when you get good at it you can invest in a nicer one. if it is super cheap and has art on it it will probably be total crap as an instrument.
one of the ones i own is made of agave and was made in california. it is a pretty good didge. just throwing this out there so you don't think you have to necessarily buy an australian import.
circular breathing isn't that hard for most people to learn. you can start practicing now. when you are in the shower fill your mouth with water, then push the water out with your tongue and cheeks while breathing in through your nose. if you can do this you can circular breath, you just have to train yourself to do it with air.
These instruments looks so much smaller in SPORE O.o... $30 for airmail shipping + instrument? I doubt it.
Canada19447 Posts
I own one and it cost me about 30$ from a store. Once you get circular breathing down it's a piece of cake and really fun!
I own two, want one? I'll send ya pics So much fun like kennigit said
I remember seeing these all over Australian shops when we visited there. We may have even bought one, cant remember as it was a long time ago.
From what I can remember its pretty difficult to pick up at first. Its not like a guitar where you can just hit the strings and they make noise right away (not saying they would be good noises...). They have tons of tutorial videos out there though so I've no doubt if you picked it up and stuck with it you'd get it fairly easily.
I personally couldnt stand it because it made my lips tingle awyyyyyyyyyy too much. But they sound awesome if you know what you're doing.
Good luck!
Australia3316 Posts
Didgeridoos are really hard to play properly, good luck!
Just use your username...
is awesome32269 Posts
I have a friend who makes them.
they are actually that cheap.
someone around here makes them by hand, sells em for 40 on craigslist
Valhalla18444 Posts
i have one of these and can play it