whoa tablebreaking
it can get really fucking cold in Korea, FYI (but not as bad as canada prob)
Dude I would love that. Over here it's like living in a sauna because for over half the year the humidity is in the 90% range. I love cold weather and snow in October (or anytime during the year for that matter) is pretty rare here.
edit: Yeah the sun schedule must really suck though. 9-4? Wow that's harsh man
Fucking snow ... why in October ... why ...
lol calgary can have random weather sometimes
Korea (South)17174 Posts
I'm here. Waiting for you.
damn, snow in october is harsh. Pretty much looks like that here otherwise, I'm not too fond of autumn
Calgary25955 Posts
Calgary25955 Posts
On October 05 2009 02:13 Rekrul wrote:I'm here. Waiting for you. roflllll
The snow and the cold I could probably deal with, but no sun, for the most part, would be so depressing.
That's what you get for living in Canada =P ...
God, I would love to trade some of this heat for your snow ...
On October 05 2009 02:13 Rekrul wrote:I'm here. Waiting for you.
oh my god so much alcohol. drool drool drool...
Wanna trade?
we get sun everyday here, and it's hot as fuck, you don't get to see Snow ever, but you sure get to have a sunny day~
I miss the snow already, lol. Living down south sucks ' -'a
I'm with you Chill, I moved here only this week and seriously can not believe this shit
You're such a bastard for skipping part of winter while the rest of us suffer thru the whole thing.
Any knowledge of the history of Calgary? Why would a big city like that spring up where it is. Is there some sort of resource nearby? Some business/industry in the city? I'm just curious as to why people would choose to live there.
i'm with chef f u. winter is so long and gay ;(
It started snowing here too for no fucking reason. Thanks Winter for screwing Fall over.
Im in Edmonton (3hrs north of calgary), and no snow yet! However it's pretty chilly out, which sucks for a guy like me who works outside usually for 12hrs a day. Last winter was just brutal with the constant minus 40. I thought I wasn't gonna make it a few times lol (I work 10days in a row out of town, and have 4 days off).
Lets pray this winter will be a little more gentle