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I'm bored. I've decided to become a bad rapper
Yo, here's the story from a to z, you wanna stay with me, you're gotta listen carefully; in west philadelfia born and raised I spawned at six while my ally at third...
We both were zerg and the enemies were too, I mean some of them, so what could we do? My fellow zerg made this gosu build, he went gas first, then spawning pool.
At the same time, the enemy lings, were being made, just to get him.
But due the fact that the enemy was noob, he send his troops to my base for true. I microed mine, like a real go-su, killed 6 with 4 and then more too. But then the guys decied that, it would be best just to attack, my great ally, who had nothing, nor lings, nor drones, nor tech, for real.
When he got killed what could I do? I microed mutas, using the bug. Harassed their drones which was so sad, he made 2 spores not fast enough. If I were faster I think I could harass terran more, but my hands are made of wood...
So anyway that was the game, me vs terran and occasional zerg. The guy who spawned at 12 o'clock was using valks believe or not. He attacked me and lost them though and thus the game was just to start.
The terran guy had no micro; few random lurks were all I got. That was enough just to stall him and rape his forces, oh man Im king!
How did it end - as usual, no points for me, just 1v3 -_-
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Actually I kinda admire the 83 apm terran. I mean, I think he knows he is slow, thus he tries these "weird" metal builds; or maybe he just sucks