can YOU connect to it? Your router settings are probably made so that you have to manually type in the network name and password. Either that or you didnt turn wireless on-_-
yea you might need to enter your network name and pass like the guy above me said.....
check for static ip, sometimes that goes wack.
Also check in the router settings to see how its distributing the ips.
If you're sure name/password etc. is all correct, check which channel your router is operating on. If it is in the 5.x GHz range and your sister's laptop does not support 802.11n (likely) or 802.11a (quite possible--802.11g was much more popular), then the laptop won't be able to detect or use your router's signal at all. You would just need to force it to use a channel in the 2.4 GHz range.
the laptop might not support a/b/g/n or whatever wireless type you're using. probably N if it's new.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
lol yeah I can connect it perfectly fine. perhaps my laptop is newer...it's 1 year old while my sis' is like ..mayeb 3 years old already :\
her laptop can detect the connection but then just can't connect to it :\ doesn't even pop up the password entry box :\
Are you using encryption now? Have you tried setting it up unencrypted to make sure that wasn't the issue (some older adapters might not support some WPA, for example)?
Have you tried manually adding in the network config to her laptop's list? i.e. go to Control Panel > Network Connections > Wireless > Wireless Networks tab > Add button
Hong Kong20321 Posts
hi thanks myrmidon.
i changed encryptin of the router to WEP insetad of that new WPA or whatever shit and it worked on my sis laptop. :D