I've decided that I'm going to try to finally raise my skill from the depths of the D ranks to get good enough to make C rank on ICCup. Many newbs like me are trying all the time to figure out what they can do to become better Starcraft players. I know I can get myself to C, and I've decided to document my progress so that all the other D squatters can see how I did it.
I'll start by taking stock of where I'm at currently. I'm a Protoss user. I've been playing this game for 10 years off and on, and I'm still not very good. I have pretty good unit control, but my multitasking and ability to keep everything going on in the game in my head is not good. I don't know any build orders, other than really basic 10/12 gate beginning. I hotkey a lot, I don't really understand how people get away with not hotkeying units. I just recently started to try to hotkey unit producing structures, and I think it might help me out a lot with my macro. My APM is generally between 70 and 80.
I believe the reason I haven't improved much over the last several years is that I haven't been practicing properly. I just 1)play games, 2)get owned, 3)Goto 1. I believe the first step for me is to learn some quality builds in order to put me in a stronger position for the mid-game. I get beat often early to mid-game. Then I think I need to practice deliberately to step up my game in specific areas. But before I do that, I'm going to go play 10 ICCup games so you can see where I'm at.
from D to C in a season?! gl :p
United States24494 Posts
As you get older I believe it gets difficult to improve things like multitasking... so that is going to be a challenge. There are different styles of play, and the way you can best take advantage is probably to play 'smartly' meaning decision making and experience over mechanical advantages. How you gain that will be interesting to see. With 70-80apm it will be very challenging. I'm not saying you should spam, but always keep your eyes open for ways to do things more quickly. One suggestion is to check out your building layouts in mains and see if there are easy ways to optimize it.
Good luck. Maybe I can learn something from your journey
it won't be TAHT hard......believe in urself
I'm a D player. I've only played around 50 games vs humans. I'm trying to get C- this season. (: How long does the season last?
haha it's like watching myself post, same sc resume, same apm, cept I'm terran.
GL man. If you get to C, I'm going to follow your steps.
I thought that this would be a topic about breaking the light speed barrier
GL with this, im sure you can achieve C if you put in a good amount of effort.
I also made a journey last season. It was my first season playing starcraft on iccup and i had played on bnet for about 3 weeks before the season started. so I decided i was going to try get D+ by the end of the season.
I started off at D- and ended up at C-, with a 33% win rate and about a 60% korean matchlist. My apm starting off at 90 and ending at 140ish.
Basically i practiced one build order over and over for each race i played against.
3 hatch muta against terran. (changing it when they go for one base-wall in metal) 3 hatch muta against protoss, though the last two weeks i practiced 4 hatch hydra. and 9 pool fast tech to muta against zerg.
Anyway, i think it's important to practice just one build order, the most commonly used one and try getting faster and faster at it. Then when you've played it alot you know how to adapt to every build order that an opponent throws at you. Also practicing 3hatch muta for toss, terran and one hatch muta for zerg greatly improves muta micro. So while i was playing ZvT i was also improving my ZvZ and ZvP.
Im gona keep practicing these build orders for each race until i get maybe B- if im able to get that high.
Another thing is repitition. If you play say 7 games in one day, one day of the week rather than 1 game every day for a week you will improve alot faster doing the 7 games a day.
And if you play 3 games every day rather than one game every day. It's more likely you'll improve 10x faster than 3x faster, even though you only played 3 times more.
Anyway, hope this helps on cutting corners ect. Also try not to get discouraged by losses. If you want to go up ranks fast your gona have to have a low win-loss rate.
i would work on the apm too. That will definitely boost ur game
if you want to get to C on a ladder:
1) discover your playstyle. If you are low APM(like me) you want to play a more defensive game that caters to your low speed. You're not gonna be the guy harassing all over the place like bisu so dont try it.
2) Watch replays(or do it yourself) and find 1 build that is universally safe for each MU and continually work on it until you have it down stone cold and can execute it flawlessly. examples: 2 gate reaver pvp, FE pvz, 2 gate obs PvT. If you see anything suspicious you will obviouly have to adapt your play, but if they are playing standard you just stick to it.
3)After you have perfected your early game, get into the habit of always making probes from your nexuses, hotkey them if you have to. as well as your gateways. if you stop making units at any point you will fall behind most of the time since you aren't going to be a harass style player with low APM.
4) dominate the lower ranks steadily but surely. you will probably be like 35-50% win percentage and if you play enough you'll get to C.
5) learn what it really means to play starcraft and build according to what your opponent builds.
Try what ever you can to bring your apm to a bit above 150. Then you should be ok as protoss.
one more thing, apm doesnt mean much, its attributed to your play style(MORE LIEK SPAM STYLE) there are many B- and over with 120-150 apm~
United States3824 Posts
You can actually just submit an APM graph to KESPA and they will grant you a progamer license.
i think if you just practice 1 build over and over for each matchup your APM WILL go up as you learn to do it faster.
On March 08 2009 08:53 cgrinker wrote:You can actually just submit an APM graph to KESPA and they will grant you a progamer license. 
must be how idra got his.
On March 08 2009 08:32 stroggos wrote: one more thing, apm doesnt mean much, its attributed to your play style(MORE LIEK SPAM STYLE) there are many B- and over with 120-150 apm~ like who?
On March 08 2009 09:58 gusbear wrote:Show nested quote +On March 08 2009 08:32 stroggos wrote: one more thing, apm doesnt mean much, its attributed to your play style(MORE LIEK SPAM STYLE) there are many B- and over with 120-150 apm~ like who?
Oh you didnt just...
Don't worry about apm it should come naturally as you try to do more things.