MVP, "I am confident for the 4th round"
"As I watched PianO hyung, I gained the mindset that I must also perform well
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"As I watched PianO hyung, I gained the mindset that I must also perform well
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Feelings on your first victory in the 4th round.
- I didn’t get to participate in the 3rd round and so I’m happy that I was able to win in my first match in the 4th round. In the future I will work hard to do well so I can continue to play.
If you were to assess today’s match?
- During practice I prepared for a long management game. I think it worked out as planned. Because it was a long match I was able to win.
In the early part of the match it seemed you wavered a bit because of your opponent’s harass.
- I think I was nervous because it had been so long since I played. I think that’s why I wavered so much. When I was able to gain control after my opponent’s first arbiter recall, I knew I could win.
In the 3rd round, PianO did really well.
- There are areas that PianO hyung does well in and I lack in. I think that’s why I didn’t get to play much. As I helped out with the new maps in the 4th round, I prepared strategies and builds and prepared with the mindset that I must use them in the proleague. As I watched PianO hyung, I thought to myself that I must also do well and perform in the 4th round.
Are you confident for the 4th round?
- In the past when I came out I became very nervous but now my nerves have calmed down a bit. I believe that’s how I got to this stage where I am able to show what I prepared in practice. Because of this I am confident for the 4th round.
Last words?
- I am thankful to all those people who helped me practice.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 4라운드 첫 승 소감
▲ 3라운드에 못나오고 4라운드에 첫 출전했는데 승리해서 기분 좋다. 앞으로도 잘해서 계속 출전할 수 있도록 하겠다.
- 오늘 경기를 평가한다면
▲ 연습 때 장기전 운영을 준비했다. 뜻대로 잘 된 것 같다. 장기전을 해서 승리할 수 있었다.
- 초반에 상대의 견제에 흔들리는 듯한 모습을 보였는데
▲ 오랜만에 출전해서 긴장을 좀 한 것 같다. 그래서 많이 흔들린 것 같다. 첫 번째 상대 리콜 아비터를 제압했을 때 이길 수 있다고 생각했다.
- 3라운드에서는 임진묵의 활약이 대단했는데
▲ (임)진묵이형이 너무 잘한 것도 있고 내가 못한 것도 있다. 그래서 출전을 못했던 것 같다. 4라운드에서 신맵 연습을 도와주면서 전략도 연구하고 빌드도 만들면서 꼭 프로리그에서 써봐야겠다는 다짐으로 출전을 준비했다. (임)진묵이형 보면서 나도 잘해서 4라운드에서 활약해야겠다는 생각을 했다.
- 4라운드는 자신 있는지
▲ 예전에 나왔을 때는 긴장을 많이 했는데 이제는 긴장을 좀 덜하게 됐다. 그래서 연습 때 실력을 어느 정도 보여줄 수 있는 단계가 된 것 같다. 그래서 4라운드는 자신 있다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 연습해 주신 모든 분들께 감사 드린다.
ZerO, "I anticipated my opponent's strategy"
"I knew if I just blocked his strategy I would win"
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"I knew if I just blocked his strategy I would win"
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You helped out in your team’s victory.
- Because I was playing on a zerg favorable map I knew that if I lost it’d be a big blow. So honestly I didn’t feel that happy.
You won rather simply.
- I practiced a lot and it really is a favorable map for zerg. However, terran also has a good chance if they anticipate what zerg will do and play accordingly. I think that’s why a terran player came out today but it just didn’t work out well.
You probably didn’t expect to play terran on Battle Royal.
- At first I was expecting a zerg player so when Baby came out I was taken aback. However, as I practiced and realized zerg was favorable on the map, I felt reassured. As I prepared, terran players prepared many diverse builds and I even lost to the first strategy I faced. I was a bit nervous since I wasn’t sure what Baby would prepare today but thankfully he used a build I practiced against many times so I was able to play well.
You guys have probably forgotten about your 0:3 loss in the first match by now.
- That day… the matches and the thoughts going through my head… I just want to forget it all (laughs).
It seems that Woongjin is doing very well lately.
- In the 3rd round, I wasn’t able to perform well but my teammates stepped up. So in the 4th round, I want to perform well to keep this positive atmosphere going.
There’s only 1 win difference you guys and 2nd place now.
- Because our win rate isn’t that high I think it’ll be hard but if we just ride this momentum I believe we can easily get inside the top 6. Of course, my goal is not top 6 but to get even higher than that.
Last words?
- It’s about finals time for all the fans and they must be so busy but I hope they do well on their exams and once those are over I hope they will come and continue to support our games.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 팀 승리에 일조했는데
▲ 저그에게 좋은 전장에서 경기를 해서 지면 손해라는 생각이 컸다. 그래서 기분이 크게 좋지는 않다.
- 무난하게 승리했다.
▲ 연습을 많이 해봤는데 확실히 저그가 좋은 맵이다. 그런데 테란이 저그가 뭐할지 예상하고 잘 맞춰온다면 승산은 있다. 그래서 테란이 나온 것 같은데 오늘은 잘 안됐다.
- 배틀로얄에서 테란의 출전을 예상하지 못했을 것 같은데
▲ 처음에는 저그전을 예상하고 있었는데 전태양 선수가 출전해서 조금 당황했다. 하지만 연습을 하면 할수록 저그가 좋아서 안심이 됐다. 준비를 하면서 테란들이 굉장히 다양한 빌드를 사용했는데 처음 당하는 전략에는 지기도 했다. 오늘 전태양 선수가 뭐할지 모르니까 긴장하고 있었는데 다행히도 많이 연습했던 빌드여서 쉽게 대처할 수 있었다.
- 이제 첫 경기 0대3 패배는 모두 잊었을 것 같은데
▲ 그 날은 경기도 그렇고 내 머리도 그렇고 그냥 잊고 싶은 날이다(웃음).
- 최근 웅진의 분위기가 살아나고 있는 느낌이다.
▲ 3라운드 때 나는 좋은 성적을 내지 못했는데 팀원들이 잘해줬다. 그래서 4라운드에서는 내가 활약해서 좋은 분위기를 이끌고 싶다.
- 2위와 1승 밖에 차이가 나지 않는데
▲ 우리가 승점이 낮아서 힘들 것 같은데 지금 분위기라면 6강 안에는 충분히 들 수 있을 것 같다. 목표는 물론 6강이 아니라 더 높은 곳으로 올라가는 것이다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 요새 팬 여러분 모두 시험 기간이라서 바쁘신데 시험 잘 보길 바라고 시험 끝나면 경기장에 많이 응원 오셨으면 좋겠다.
Free, "In the next match I want to play Kal"
"If my fans would upload a ceremony video for reference that would be great"
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"If my fans would upload a ceremony video for reference that would be great"
Currently you are on a 4 game winning streak.
- During practice although my win rate was high, because my gameplay was not clean I worried a lot. Since Mind is a very good player, I was very nervous but I’m happy that I was able to win.
You made resources your first priority.
- As I practiced, I realized that with my playing style if I took my nat earlier then my gameplay ran smoother. That’s why I played that way.
It seemed you weren’t pumping a lot of units.
- I anticipated that my opponent would wait until he was upgraded. Because I practiced against a strategy where my opponent expanded early, I was able to countermeasure against this appropriately. Because my first arbiter with full mana was hit with EMP, it became useless. So afterwards I was very careful in managing my units. Since I had a lot of expansions, I knew if I just held on I would gain the advantage.
What’s your goal for the 4th round?
- I wanted to win the All Time Wins but the gap has widened so much so I’m a bit disappointed. Currently I’m working hard so that our team can get in the top 6. I will definitely accomplish this goal.
Lately it seems all your gameplay against all 3 races has become consistent.
- Lately I haven’t played against protoss that much so I’m not sure but during practice my stats are good. The next match is against STX and I want to play against Kal. With good gameplay I want to defeat Kal who is one of the 6 dragons and regain my confidence.
Last words?
- Today I promised the fans that I would have a ceremony but because preparing for the match itself was so difficult I didn’t get to prepare a ceremony. I’m very sorry about that and although this is something I say often I promise that in the next match I will prepare a ceremony to show. In order to help out, I hope fans will come to my cafe and upload a ceremony video for reference.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 공식전 4연승 중인데
▲ 연습을 하면서 승률은 좋았지만 경기 내용이 깔끔하지 못해서 걱정이 많았다. 박성균 선수가 잘하는 선수라서 긴장을 많이 했는데 승리해서 기쁘다.
- 자원 위주의 플레이를 했다.
▲ 연습하면서 내가 경기하는 스타일대로 스타팅 멀티를 먹으면서 하면 경기를 쉽게 풀어갈 수 있다는 것을 알게 됐다. 그래서 이런 식으로 경기를 했다.
- 병력을 굉장히 아끼는 모습이었는데
▲ 상대가 업그레이드 테란을 구사할 것을 예측했다. 멀티를 먼저 가져가는 전략을 상대로 연습했기 때문에 쉽게 대응할 수 있었다. 처음에 생산한 아비터의 마나가 꽉 차 있었는데 EMP 충격파에 의해 무용지물이 됐다. 그래서 병력을 조심스럽게 운용했다. 내가 멀티가 많았기 때문에 지금의 분위기만 지키면 유리하다고 생각했다.
- 4라운드 목표는 어떻게 되는지
▲ 다승왕이 목표였는데 승수 차이가 많이 벌어져서 아쉽다. 지금은 우리 팀이 6강 안에 들 수 있도록 노력하고 있다. 꼭 그 목표를 이루겠다.
- 최근 세 종족전 경기력이 많이 안정된 느낌인데
▲ 요즘에 프로토스전을 많이 안 해서 모르겠지만 연습 때는 승률이 좋다. 다음 경기 상대가 STX 인데 (김)구현이와 경기를 하고 싶다. 좋은 경기력으로 육룡 중의 한 명인 구현이를 잡고 자신감을 찾겠다.
- 끝으로 하고 싶은 말은
▲ 오늘 팬들과 세리머니를 하겠다고 약속했는데 경기 준비가 힘들어서 세리머니 준비를 못했다. 정말 죄송하게 생각하고 매번 하는 말이지만 다음 경기에서는 꼭 세리머니를 할 수 있도록 준비하겠다. 내 카페에 오셔서 도움이 되도록 세리머니 동영상을 올려 주셨으면 좋겠다.
As always, not perfect - feedback welcome and appreciated!