OK since people are still having trouble I went and took screenshots to make it as retardedly simple as possible. I'm not going to go into the actual flashing process beyond providing the excellent link I used when I did it. Really there would be no point... it's different for some routers and there's a ton of step by step guides out there already if you just use google.
I started playing bw again after all the sc2 news, but once again ran in to the dreaded lag with multiple comps on lan in bnet issue. I had previously gotten this to work, but only with a d-link router that got fried years ago. These days I use one of the many routers that can be flashed with 3rd party firmware, in this case dd-wrt v23 SP2. The SP2 part is apparently important as older versions don't have that command box. http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices
Here's what you do:
Find the right firmware for your device and follow the installation guide to install it. For my router, I actually had to flash the firmware twice, here's the installation guide I used: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/WRT54G_v4_Installation_Tutorial
After you have the firmware installed 1. Login to your router and go to Administration ---> Commands
2. Paste the script below into a text document with word wrap off so that it becomes 4 lines:
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -d --dport 63002 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p udp -s --sport 6112 -j SNAT --to-source iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -d --dport 63003 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p udp -s --sport 6112 -j SNAT --to-source
3. Replace with your public WAN ip address. This is the ip address displayed on the top of the router webpage.
4. Replace with the private LAN ip address of computer 1 5. Replace with the private LAN ip address of computer 2 you can find the private ip address of your computer by going to start>run>cmd and typing ipconfig
6. cut-paste the script from the text document into the commands field in Administration ---> Commands
7. Press Save Firewall and that's it. No messing around in regedit required. No need to forward ports either. In fact make sure you don't forward port 6112, 63003, or 63002. That could actually make it not work.
It should look like this after your done
Credit goes to John Paul in Austin Texas http://www.funofmath.com/weblog/2007/04/starcraft-and-nat.html
Thanks! Just wondering, can this be applied to other games as well, like CounterStrike?
Well, sure. Basically the first line just makes it so when that any computer with that ip tries to send out data on port 6112 (the starcraft port), data is sent out on 6302 instead. The second line makes it so that all data comming in on port 6302 gets sent to that computer as if its comming from port 6112. the 3rd and 4rth line do the same thing for the 2nd computer. This allows you to have as many computers as you want all seeming to communicate on the same port. As far as if it would benifit other games it all depends on if you're having the same port routing issue, but at the very least you would need to change 6112 to whatever port that game uses.
Nice! I've always wanted to be able to have multiple comes play under the same roof! Thanks alot for sharing this info!
well i've tryed this and a lot of things, like changing the starcraft port too and then redirecting the ports, and there still is lag. don't know what to do next
Hydrarulz, what router and firmware are you using?
bookmarked this page, thanks will try when I have a lan that lags.
I have a D-LINK 524G, we can play in the same game together without lag, just not when one of us hosts. I guess that's better than most people, so I shouldn't complain ^_^
I have a problem. I installed the dd-wrt and everything, however I still get lag after following the steps. I think the problem is because I don't know where to paste the lines... Admin>Commands is not there... im using Linksys wrt54g v 3.0
Please help with where to install.
my first comps ip is and the other one (wireless) is, and my ip is help would be much appreciated, plz also look below and see if i have inputted the numbers right ( i changed 6112 and 6113 to one number higher each because bnet said 6112 had poor connection or something)
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -d --dport 63002 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p udp -s --sport 6113 -j SNAT --to-source iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -d --dport 63003 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -p udp -s --sport 6114 -j SNAT --to-source
Thanks a lot, if only this was available a few weeks earlier when we needed it greatly...too bad I'm not smart enough to figure this out on my own
I can't even find the go to administrations > then to commands
I have a linksys WRT54GS on the firmware v4.71.1
I go to administrations, but there's no "command" option to paste any type of info or anything... is it just not supported on my router? help?
i checked that DD-WIKI 3rd party flash thing, i have a v1.1 and for the type of flash tool to be used is a "?"
so theres no way to flash it i guess..?
ok i found a OpenWRT source that worked with my v1.1 now when i login to my router it looks completely different --- but theres no "Administration" hence no "commands"
no where to paste anything to... help?
i didnt want to make another threat but i have this problem i can host games and play 1v1 normal (i have ports 6110-6119 open) but i cant play 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4 i lag the game i cant even play a 3 player free for all i cant find anything about this when i search the forums.
ps: i have a speedstream 4200 router, my speed is 328 kb/s.
ps2: i used to play starcraft when the version 1.12 was the lastest and i play with a dial up moden 3v3 without lag.
kh0sa: edit nm, I was smoking crack. You had it right, the spaces belong there.
You type the script in at Administration > Commands in DD-WRT firmware v23sp2. In other versions it is probably somewhere else. After you paste the script in make sure you select save firewall. Again that is for v23sp2. In OpenWRT or Tomato or v23sp1 it might be somewhere else, if its there at all.
After that if you go the the commands page you will see the script below the commands box. Oh yeah, you also should delete any port forwarding settings with ports 6112 63002 or 63003
I updated the original post pretty heavily.
Also it doesn't have anything to do with starcraft, but if you use p2p a lot you're probably used to having to reboot your router after every couple days. To fix this just change the maximum ports and TCP/UDP Timout under Administraton > Management > IP Filter Settings (adjust these for P2P) to: Maximum Ports 4096, TCP Timeout (in seconds) 120, UDP Timeout (in seconds) 120 like in the picture below
Also, it's extremely helpful to set your computer(s)' addresses to static ip addresses within the router.
i.e. or something. Only the last variable should change. If your router uses a 192.168.2.x or a 192.168.0.x address, replace the x with some random number in the same fashion.
If you have two routers for some retarded or non-retarded reason, you may have a bit more trouble getting this to work.
Remember never to set x to 1 or 0 or 255. If you don't understand why, it's okay, but just remember that those numbers are no good.
nice post, straight into my favs
Well I can now play in the same game now no one can join my games :p
Edit: People can join but they get dropped
Yeah, thats the trade off, it's as good as it gets for any setup I think. You can join with your lan computers but not create. Also when you're joining games where you have to download the map, make sure the first computer downloads the map before the second joins.
Posts like this make me wonder how many people have successfully followed this walk through... It would be nice if more posted about their success
On June 23 2007 13:22 glaex wrote: Yeah, thats the trade off, it's as good as it gets for any setup I think. You can join with your lan computers but not create. Also when you're joining games where you have to download the map, make sure the first computer downloads the map before the second joins.
Posts like this make me wonder how many people have successfully followed this walk through... It would be nice if more posted about their success
I have a WRT45G v1.1 with firmware:
Firmware Version: v4.71.1, Hyperwrt 2.1b1 + Thibor15c
I can join anyones game in any configuration without any issues, even if we both don't have the map and join at pretty much the same time. The only issue I have is that neither PC can host games, also I needed to forward the 2 new ports for it to work.
Hope that helps, thanks a lot for this guide.