A year-long series of individual Clan Wars for fun and profit coming with Patch 2.1.
Broadcast live exclusively on MLG.tv
Major League Gaming
Proleague Format
Teams can show the depth of their roster with individual members picked to play a single map each, with an ace match as the decider should it get to that point. This provides a chance for as many players as possible to show their skills while preventing teams with a single star player from running rampant over an entire opposing teams roster. The default format will be Best of 7 however there will be flexibility allowing smaller teams to play a Best of 5 instead. Teams will require a minimum of 5 players for BO7 and 3 players for BO5 formats. Teams can re-use players in the 2v2 match and the ace match can be any player including those who have previously played.
New Maps
SHOUTcraft Clan Wars will showcase an entire roster of non-standard tournament maps from the Teamliquid map-making community, ranging from the uncommon to the downright outrageous. This will allow map-makers to gain valuable exposure, give spectators fresh experiences including matches that shake up the way Starcraft is played and allow teams preparing for big events to keep their tournament builds secret. Maps with half-bases? Sure. All-gold minerals? Why not? Floating destructible islands? We can do that. Raising lava? Absolutely! The sky is the limit for map design and we will be rotating out our maps on a regular basis to keep things interesting. Teams will be given the map list in advance so they have plenty of time to prepare unique builds for these unusual maps. We hope the use of new maps will also give a more exciting experience to the viewer, who might be tired of watching yet another game on Bel’shir.
Broadcast live exclusively on MLG.tv
Major League Gaming
Proleague Format
Teams can show the depth of their roster with individual members picked to play a single map each, with an ace match as the decider should it get to that point. This provides a chance for as many players as possible to show their skills while preventing teams with a single star player from running rampant over an entire opposing teams roster. The default format will be Best of 7 however there will be flexibility allowing smaller teams to play a Best of 5 instead. Teams will require a minimum of 5 players for BO7 and 3 players for BO5 formats. Teams can re-use players in the 2v2 match and the ace match can be any player including those who have previously played.
New Maps
SHOUTcraft Clan Wars will showcase an entire roster of non-standard tournament maps from the Teamliquid map-making community, ranging from the uncommon to the downright outrageous. This will allow map-makers to gain valuable exposure, give spectators fresh experiences including matches that shake up the way Starcraft is played and allow teams preparing for big events to keep their tournament builds secret. Maps with half-bases? Sure. All-gold minerals? Why not? Floating destructible islands? We can do that. Raising lava? Absolutely! The sky is the limit for map design and we will be rotating out our maps on a regular basis to keep things interesting. Teams will be given the map list in advance so they have plenty of time to prepare unique builds for these unusual maps. We hope the use of new maps will also give a more exciting experience to the viewer, who might be tired of watching yet another game on Bel’shir.
Read more here.
Axiom, StarTale, IM, MVP, EG, Liquid, ROOT, mYinsanity, Millenium, Acer, mousesports, TeamWho and IvDGaming will play.