But hey, "if you're good at something...never do it for free."

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5Rphbvh.jpg)
Photo thanks to thisisgame.com
Source: This Is Game
Tell us how you feel about advancing to the Premier League after resting for a season.
First off, I am glad that I got to receive the NesTea award. I am glad that I was the Zerg player to receive this award right behind NesTea hyung. I received a last chance so I am also relieved.
How did you prepare for your matches after seeing your group?
I reviewed my past games and I was able to notice that I tend to focus way too much on my opponent’s style. So I just focused on what my opponents’ races were going to be and then prepared as if I was playing on ladder so that I could just play the macro game that I wanted to play. I decided to prepare a macro game along with the thought that I would play as safely as possible.
In your game against Squirtle, you started off with a ling/hydra composition and then transitioned to corruptor/muta. It seemed like a prepared build rather than a response build.
My compositions were just as I had planned from before. But I think that map Anaconda is rather advantageous for Protoss. He already had sentries waiting next to his giant wall. And then I knew that things were going to get difficult after he quickly grabbed his second expansion. I grabbed the advantage because I made him chase my army as I forced the game into an elimination race.
You started off with a quick triple hatch build vs Trap.
I practiced with only an expansion but there was no efficiency coming from the second hatch. Whirlwind is such a large map that a triple hatch all-in works well. I got pushed back a little during the beginning but I didn’t lose a lot of drones so I was able to progress onwards advantageously. I tried out several different things that followed the trend, but they just didn’t fit me. So I did my best to play my style. It’s hard for Protoss to follow if you switch up your system.
You lost a lot of drones in the beginning in your game vs FanTaSy.
Things got twisted up because his hellions came in unnoticed. I have no idea just how many drones I gave up to his hellbats. I noticed a three rax all-in coming with my overseer. I had a feeling that I would be fine as long as I blocked it and tried to follow-up. I figured that I would be in an advantage as long as I blocked his hellion/hellbat composition.
This season will be your last chance to try to advance to the global finals.
I really hope that I can advance to the semi-finals for this season so I can qualify for the season finals. And then my final goal will be to secure my spot in the global finals. I hope I can finish off this path I’m on well since I pulled of the first step well.
You will be leaving for the Acer TeamStory Cup on the 15th. How do you think that will go?
I think Super has grown into the best Protoss player, and I think Dream is just as good as INnoVation. And KeeN is doing really well too so I’m expecting us to establish a great result. These days, it feels like I’m the one being carried (laughs).
KeeN stated in his previous interview that he would be watching your games closely. Did that motivate you?
It motivated me so much. I tend to taunt KeeN and Dream a lot in the team house but they got to Premier League ahead of me so the situation was not good (laughs).
Anything else you would like to say?
I want to thank our sponsors Lotte Chilsung and Razer. I want to thank everyone that cheered me on. Duckdeok won this season’s WCS Europe, but I noticed that he had been losing interest in the game as of late and that he was struggling a lot with it. I am thinking that he was able to find his for the game again with the WCS EU championship. I want to thank Super for helping me with practice, and I want to wish Swagger hyung the best of luck in his Up/Down matches tomorrow. Even though it probably won’t be easy, I hope he somehow finds luck and makes it out. Lastly, I want to thank my parents back at home for always praying for me.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/e28sRI1.jpg)
Photo thanks to ESL
DRG's Nestea Award: 10 Code S Seasons in Recap:
Definition: NesTea Award is customary prize awarded to any player who plays in GSL Code S for 10 times in a row. It is named after NesTea - the first player to accomplish the feat. -Liquipedia
To this date, only 3 people have ever achieved this honor:

Season 1: 2011 Sony Ericsson Code S October
Date: 2011-09-19 – 2011-10-22
Seeded by: 2011 MLG Raleigh Seed
Finish: Round of 16 to

Notable Games/Comments: Beat

Season 2: 2011 Sony Ericsson Code S November
Date: 2011-10-27 – 2011-12-23
Seeded by: Round of 16 October Code S
Finish: Round of 32 to

Notable Games/Comments: Beat

Season 3: 2012 Hot6ix Code S Season 1
Date: 2011-12-19 – 2012-03-03
Seeded by: 2011 November Code A by beating

![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/2F4b6.png)

Season 4: 2012 Hot6ix Code S Season 2
Date: 2012-03-10 – 2012-05-19
Seeded by: 2012 Season 1 Code S Championship
Finish: Round of 32 to

Notable Games/Comments: Picked theSTC as first oppponent, lost to theSTC. I blame the girlfriend effect.
Season 5: 2012 Monsieur J Code S Season 3
Date:2012-05-21 – 2012-07-27)
Seeded by: 2012 Season 2 Code A against

Finish: Semifinals to

Notable Games/Comments:

Season 6: 2012 Hot6ix Code S Season 4
Date: 2012-08-27 – 2012-10-20
Seeded by: Top 8 Code S Season 3
Finish: Round of 16 to

Notable Games/Comments: Beat Polt in Round of 32, Picked Polt at Group Selection, Lost to Polt Round of 16
Season 7: 2012 Hot6ix Code S Season 5
Date: 2012-10-22 – 2012-12-14
Seeded by: 2012 Season 5 Up & Down against

Finish: Round of 16 to

Notable Games/Comments: Beat Creator in Round of 32, Picked Creator at Group Selection, Lost to Creator Round of 16
Season 8: 2013 Hot6ix Code S Season 1
Date: 2013-01-06 – 2013-03-09
Seeded by: 2013 Season 1 Up & Down against

Finish: Round of 16 to

Notable Games/Comments: Beat Innovation 2:0 in Round of 32.
Season 9: 2013 WCS KR Code S Season 1
Date: 2013-03-04 – 2013-06-01
Seeded by: Won 2013 Season 1 Code A Ro24 against

Finish: Round of 32 to

Notable Games/Comments: First HotS GSL: Did not know how to deal with hellbats and/or widowmines.
Season 10: 2013 WCS KR Code S Season 3
Date: 2013-08-06 – 2013-10-19
Seeded by: 2013 WCS Season 3 Korea GSL Up & Down against

Finish: Not Yet Determined.
Notable Games/Comments: NESTEA AWARD ACHIEVED
DongRaeGu bombed out of Premiere League for 2013 WCS Season 2 OSL by losing in Up & Down Groups of 2013 WCS Season 1 to

He has expressed his frustration about the WCS system during this time which fucked him over because he was suppose to receive a Seed into the tournament due to being the runner up of OSL 2012. WCS Season 2 OSL did not count towards Nestea Award due to not being a Code S tournament.
-During February to March of 2013, DongRaeGu got really fat and bad at Starcraft II.
@MVPDongRaeGu "I can't stand being even the slightest bit hungry. I'm constantly full 24/7. I think it's almost a sickness at this point.
@MVPKeeN "@MVPDongRaeGu Fatass."
-Plotting DRG's weight against his starcraft skills will give an inverse linear relation with regression r^2 value of 0.998.
-He has since lost weight and is now good at Starcraft again.
On August 04 2013 02:38 DRGpros wrote:
Yes. I lost my weight about 20 pounds compare March in this year
Yes. I lost my weight about 20 pounds compare March in this year
-Coach Choi still thinks DRG is a little fat:
[8/14/2013 10:28:10 PM] Choi (MVPteam): DRG XL man
[8/14/2013 10:28:29 PM] Choi (MVPteam): so he wear : L shirt + M jacket
[8/14/2013 10:28:31 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:06 PM] Jasper Lam: he's really XL?
[8/14/2013 10:30:09 PM] Jasper Lam: I thought he lost weight
[8/14/2013 10:30:11 PM] Jasper Lam: lol
[8/14/2013 10:30:23 PM] Choi (MVPteam): he...fatter...
[8/14/2013 10:30:25 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:35 PM] Jasper Lam: hahahaha
[8/14/2013 10:30:37 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:50 PM] Choi (MVPteam): he
[8/14/2013 10:30:51 PM] Choi (MVPteam): 180cm
[8/14/2013 10:31:01 PM] Choi (MVPteam): 80~90kg
[8/14/2013 10:28:29 PM] Choi (MVPteam): so he wear : L shirt + M jacket
[8/14/2013 10:28:31 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:06 PM] Jasper Lam: he's really XL?
[8/14/2013 10:30:09 PM] Jasper Lam: I thought he lost weight
[8/14/2013 10:30:11 PM] Jasper Lam: lol
[8/14/2013 10:30:23 PM] Choi (MVPteam): he...fatter...
[8/14/2013 10:30:25 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:35 PM] Jasper Lam: hahahaha
[8/14/2013 10:30:37 PM] Choi (MVPteam): :D
[8/14/2013 10:30:50 PM] Choi (MVPteam): he
[8/14/2013 10:30:51 PM] Choi (MVPteam): 180cm
[8/14/2013 10:31:01 PM] Choi (MVPteam): 80~90kg