Hey there, and happy new year everyone!
Welcome to a very special edition of the top 50 streamers list! You'll get your usual top 50 streamers list from last month, of course. But on top of that, you will also get the first top 100 streamers list for the last year! That's right, the top 100 Starcraft 2 streamers of 2012 list is here.
That's not all, though. Remember how I keep repeating that the big events (GSL, IPL, MLG, etc.) don't offer their live viewer numbers, and that I therefore don't publish any event viewer numbers? Well, there's one big event that started recently that does not play by those rules. And it just so happens to be a hugely popular event with regular casts. So, get ready for some Proleague numbers.
Table of contents
- Top 50 streamers in December 2012
- The big picture
- Top 100 streamers in 2012
- Proleague viewers
- Older entries
Huh? What's this?
For those of you who don't already know what this is about: I'm gathering various data from all the streams that are presented on teamliquid.net (viewers, game, events, etc.) and use that data to produce the pretty tables you see below. The tables only contain SC2 players (that is, people streaming games of Starcraft 2 being played by the streamer themselves) and not casters, teams or other streams. The tables also only contain Starcraft 2 related activities. So CatZ streaming Dota2 will not be taken into account, for instance.
For live stream data, go and visit soiii's site http://sc2streamnumbers.com/ where you can check out detailed graphs of stream viewers of every stream. (Thread here). Please check it out, it's pretty awesome. I thought about doing something like that at some point, but soiii did it way better and prettier than I could've ever done.
The list
Due to space limitations, I have to shorten the headers and leave some data out of the tables presented here. You can get the full tables from the links below.
The headers aren't as clear as I'd like them to be thanks to this, so here's a quick explanation, just in case: "Viewers" denotes the average viewers in the given month. "Hours" are the hours played. "Place diff" and "Viewer diff" are the place and viewer differences compared to last month. And "HotS%" is the percentage of Heart of the Swarm streaming compared to Wings of Liberty. A full green bar means the player streamed only HotS, a grey bar means he only streamed WoL.
Now, Without further ado, here's this month's tables:
![[image loading]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/478103_10151350310178304_405559233_o.jpg)
Haha, just kidding. Seriously, though, is anyone the least bit surprised?
Stray observations
- Out of the top 10, 6 streamers have not streamed at all in November. Welcome back, Grubby, Naniwa, MC, Taeja and Sen! And of course, welcome, Jaedong.
- Between IdrA, Stephano and Jaedong, the most watched stream will most likely be an EG Zerg for all eternity.
- I have decided to include djWHEAT in the streamers lists from now on. I originally placed him in the caster's category (because he is!), but recently he's been streaming a lot of himself playing the game, making him eligible for the list. If any of you know of any other casters not in the list who also stream their games, please let me know!
- Similarly, if you find any mistakes or errors in the lists, please do let me know, especially concerning team changes. Note, however, that the list does not reflect team changes that happened after Dec. 31. So yes, I know that desRow found a team (congrats to him!), but by the time the list was compiled, he was still teamless.
- Also, apologies to desRow, who asked for a graph of viewers by the hour to see when people are watching streams in general. Haven't yet found the time to do one, though I will most likely add one in the future, either in this thread or next month's. Promised!
- Some notable absentees this month: Destiny (Switched to LoL), Hero, Polt, violet, Incontrol (
), Sheth.
The big picture
![[image loading]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8028950/TL/Viewers%20by%20month (Dec).png)
(The actual numbers are not important, it's the ratio between month that's important.)
As expected, viewer numbers went up last month. They're still far from September's numbers, but personally, I'm still not worried. I expect the HotS viewer numbers to steadily rise until the release of the game, while the WoL numbers will most likely fall somewhat, and then crash the moment HotS is released. For the overall numbers, however, I do not dare to make any predictions.
The big list (Top 100 2012)
One thing that needs explaining here is the "months active" column. Each bar represents a month. If it's red, the streamer in question did not stream, if it's green, he did (even if he's just streamed for a few minutes in the entire month). I did not start gathering data until mid-March, so the bars for January and February are greyed out, since I do not have any information for those. So yes, the tables are not for the entire year, technically speaking, but I figured you guys would appreciate them anyhow.
Also, for the purpose of this list, "Retired" means that the person has stopped playing SC2 competitively. That does not mean that they are out of the scene entirely.
More stray observations
- EG streamers are kinda popular, aren't they?
- The award for most streaming hours in the last year goes to.. Hui! His #1 spot in the viewers*hours category really doesn't come as a surprise, really. 2514 hours streamed in the last year! For comparison, a year tends to only have 8544 hours in total. A close second is ProTech with 2388 hours streamed.
- So many retired players.
- Again, if there's any mistakes, please do let me know!
Did someone say Proleague?
Please take these numbers with a grain of salt, since I have very few datapoints for some of these games. Remember that I record the stream viewers only every 15 minutes. Short games combined with a 4-0 win can end a Proleague match pretty quickly, giving me not a a whole lot work with. That's the exception, though. On average I have 7-10 numbers to work with per match, giving me rather accurate average viewership numbers.
![[image loading]](https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8028950/TL/Proleague December 2012.png)
Not a whole lot to say about these. Gogo EG-TL!
Phew. That's all for this month! Hope you guys enjoyed, as always. Any kind of feedback is more than welcome!
Older entries