Thoughts on GC Season 3 so far? (Includes like organization, how you are playing so far (regrets/accomplishments on your play)
Heroes: 对GC3(比赛)有什么感想? (对组织,个人打得如何)etc
The organisation is strict in a positive way, although time-wise its not the most ideal for us, sometimes we play until 3am.
Favourite Map / Least Favourite Map / Favourite Match-up
Heroes: I don't have any particular likes and dislikes, every map is in the map pool so they are the same. Same for matchups, there are good fun in all the match-ups, I like the variability of pvp, the sheer demonstration of power in PvT and the magical storms in PvZ.
Any Rivals? If you play that person will you any in-game ceremony to beat them?
Heroes: No, I dont like to be in grudge with others. Unless they bm me first.
Any pre-game/in-game rituals? (i.e: pray, listen to music, eat raw eggs before a game? during a game?)
Heroes: Not much, you call me anytime i'll play anytime.
How did u find the match against SAS?
Heroes: SAS是一支非常强的队伍,里面有曾2:0完美封杀我的micheal,更有号称非中韩第一人的sziky,很庆幸我能成为CN Vs SAS的MVP,但遗憾没有与micheal复仇。SAS已确定进去季后赛,希望我们CN能成功进入季后赛,到时候可以与micheal大战三百回合。
SAS is a very good team, Michael is in it which perfectly 2:0 me, also there seems to be one of the best foreigner in szkiy. It's a pleasure to finish well for team CN, too bad I didn't get to play Michael. SAS is almost certain to be in playoffs, so hopefully we can play with Michael once again.
Final words (shout-out to anyone?)
Heroes: Thanks for the organisers for a competition like this, encouraging the interaction between different scenes and I am happy to be a part of it. Thanks to hafnium and sensui (stevewch) that helps us, and of course caihead who kindly sponsors us. And thanks to the players that give us an unforgettable epxerience.