[Darwinism Theory of Cells] https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/s720x720/555760_134431773364783_49890666_n.jpg
[Racism] [Christianity] [World Maps] [Hinduism] [Buddhism] [Christianity] [Judaism] [Jokes] [Dark Jokes] [Old Jokes] [New Jokes] [South Park]
[Buddhism: "Samsara" - The Wheel of Life] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desire_realm
[Photo Section] https://www.facebook.com/media/albums/?id=100003938827079
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Gods - Caucasian - 1.5 Billion - Pride - Pleasant to be around
Demigods - Latin - .5 Billion - Jealousy - Fear of Loss and Rivalry
Humans - The unattainable - Zero Human Theory
Animals - Indians - 2 Billion - Ignorance - Belief in Animal Deities
Hungry Ghosts - Asians - 2 Billion - Greed - Quiet Like Ghosts
Hell Beings - Africans - 1 Billion - Anger - Unpleasant to be around
I do not believe in Humans
[The Message Is Love]
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