We're happy to announce our premium package for the TeamLiquid StarLeague, called TSL+. Don't worry, we're not taking anything away from the traditional TSL experience. As usual, we will provide a free 720p stream. However, there will always be fans that want a bit more, or want to help support the tournament beyond tuning into the broadcasts. For these fans, we're happy to offer a $10 TSL+ ticket and more TSL features. Thank you all for your support!

The TSL4 will be streamed free in 720p. That's pretty good quality. But for those wanting the best possible quality, a TSL+ ticket will give you access to our 1080p stream. That's a full 360p higher than 720p, or a 50% increase in "p" quality. Trust us we used the power of addition and the windows calculator program.

The TSL+ ticket also gets you a free TSL4 poster. You can view the poster here. Look at those shiny colors and that nice looking art. Hang this on your wall next to all the other posters you have, and we guarantee it will make friends with them. Not even in the superficial poster Facebook friends way, but in the real poster friends way where they can hang out for hours in silence or ask each other important questions about each others' lives. Those kind of poster friends are the best. You can claim this poster when TSL4 starts on July 28.

Have you ever accidentally opened up a stream chat and thought, "Wow I really regretted that." Of course you have, we all have. That is why general chat is disabled for TSL4. However, if you want to chat with other people who bought a TSL+ ticket, we can make that happen. Don't worry, we will not hesitate to ban someone who is acting out even if they paid for TSL+. But we don't anticipate that happening often because generally, people that buy TSL+ tickets don't buy it to troll the chat, they buy it to enjoy TSL more.

If you buy a TSL+ ticket, you won't see any of the generic Twitch system advertisements. You'll still see our sponsor directed commercials. But when we play the generic ads, you won't see those. While everyone else is watching an ad you will be just waiting, watching nothing. Maybe we will put up a cool looking screen and some music while you sit there and relax, happily oblivious.

We've also decided to give everyone who buys TSL+ a 5% discount on TL store purchases for the duration of TSL4. Let me give you an example, if you were to buy two hoodies and five shirts, total cost $200, it will now be $190. What are you going to do with that $10? Let me humbly suggest buying another TSL+ ticket. No, the 5% doesn't stack. We know you were thinking that. The 5% applies to all TL store items, not just TSL4 products like the poster or the soon-to-be-released TSL4 shirt. You can apply the discount when the TSL4 starts on July 28. Note: we do not guarantee all items to be in stock for the duration of the TSL4.

We'll be raffling off lots of cool stuff for TSL+ subscribers, like TSL4 shirts, signed goodies, and Razer gear. But the big prize is a trip to a major StarCraft event in your area, whether it's MLG, IPL, or DreamHack. We'll pay hotel and flight for you and a friend to go and experience ESPORTS at one of these events. If we see you there, we'll treat you like royalty. And by that I mean we'll say hello and give you a hug. You better take pictures and write a blog afterward.

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