![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/q8Apm.jpg)
Today we're extremely proud to announce Dan "ViBE" Scherlong will be joining our family!
We have known this for a little while now, Dan is a good friend of a lot of us in ROOT Gaming as well as a fantastic and an incredibly talented player.
we first set eyes on ViBE in the beta, where he came out of nowhere and showed his incredibly high apm was accompanied by a brilliant brain! unfortunately for us, when we decided to pick him up, sixjax had already contracted him and we got left without a ViBE.
Today ViBE finally joins ROOT!!!!
Danny streams very often, lately he's been playing D3 like everyone else but this doesn't mean that he wont go back to sc2 soon, so please support him and show him we love him by tuning into his stream!
Although there isnt any doubt that ViBE is one of the best players in NA, I believe he still has plenty of unrealized potential and at ROOT I think we can help him become absolutely, invincible.
Woot! Good luck to ViBE and ROOT!
Sick pick up. ROOT new top-tier foreign team?
Vibe has been a favourite player of mine for a while now
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing him play
Welcome to ROOT ViBE!! You're with the best so make the best out if it!!
EDIT: When i loaded the page, i was second. Not so much though...
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Welcome and congrats ViBE!! <3
I said it in all the other threads with root. GO TEAM ROOT!
Haha i looked over at the featured streamers, and I see, ROOTViBE. And i am bamboozled, but then I see this thread. Cool story I know.
Big Congrats to vibe and the ROOT guys, nice pick up.
Congratulations to ROOT and ViBE!
i love the banner personally, gl in root vibe
sick, vibe fits perfectly with the team
Great pick-up for ROOT. Congrats to both parties, I think you're a great fit for each other. Can't wait to see what else the new ROOT regime has in store for us!
That's a really good pick-up for ROOT, ViBE has been beasting it up lately.