![[image loading]](http://interceptorgroup.ca/4TL/bb_tl.png)
And finally we got the opportunity to create our own topic here. Nevertheless do check out the central Qualifiers Hub for more info on other qualifiers, results and important updates.
Central WCS Canadian Qualifiers Hub — http://www.cyberactiv.ca/sc2wcs/
Hub on TL — http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=335309
Interceptor Group is honoured being part of the CyberActiv Canadian National Qualifier Series for the Blizzard's very own StarCraft2 World Championship.
We know that there are many great players in Toronto and it will for sure take a lot of tough matches to determine the best of the best. We are wishing all the participants Good Luck and can't wait for the fun to begin.
WHEN: MAY 19TH, 10:00AM
HOW MUCH: This tournament is completely free!
HOT TO SIGN UP: You should sign up at the BinaryBeast. If you sign up through e-mail or in this topic we would still ask you to register at BinaryBeast before you'd be able to play in the tournament.
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Winner - $100 and spot at the Canadian National Finals
Runner-Up - $50
Semi-Finalists - $25
Quarter-Finalists - $15
Runner-Up - $50
Semi-Finalists - $25
Quarter-Finalists - $15
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WCS Cloud Kingdom LE
WCS Daybreak LE
WCS Ohana LE
WCS Antiga Shipyard
WCS Entombed Valley
WCS Shakuras Plateau
WCS Tal'Darim Altar LE
Map rules
1. Each player has a right to veto one map for the match.
2. First map of the match is decided by dice-roll.
3. Looser of the game picks the map for the next game.
4. No map can be played twice in a same match.
WCS Daybreak LE
WCS Ohana LE
WCS Antiga Shipyard
WCS Entombed Valley
WCS Shakuras Plateau
WCS Tal'Darim Altar LE
Map rules
1. Each player has a right to veto one map for the match.
2. First map of the match is decided by dice-roll.
3. Looser of the game picks the map for the next game.
4. No map can be played twice in a same match.
1. All tournament matches are Bo3, Finals are Bo5. The format of the tournamet is Sigle Elimination.
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2. Players must play with the race they chose while registering for the tournament at the day of the event. Players may not switch their Race after.
3. Players must provide their own equipment (mouse, keyboard, headset, and mouse pad) or use the avaliable NetConnect equipment without complains.
4. Players must provide their own Battle.net account with active SC2 license for the NA (North American) Region.
5. Players may not use any 3-rd party Add-ons, alter or modify in any way Windows settings, drivers and game files. If there is a problem please let the tournamnet staff know.
6. During matches "Save all replays" must stay enabled in all cases, all the replays must not be removed, renamed or copied without concent form the tournament staff.
Players may not watch any replays between the games.
7. Players should not pause the game unnecesarily, withstand form exessive chat. Players must disable Toast Notifications in the Battle.net options and set their status to Busy.
8. Players should be at the assigned game stations within 5 minutes from the moment their match was called. Player who fails to appear 10 minutes after the match was called forfeits first game of the match. If player is late 15 minutes, player forfiets the whole match. Only head referee can call the matches.
9. Player who gets to play the match on computer A of the game station must create the game. If a Player loses connection to the host during a game or their connection becomes unstable, the in-game disconnect timer will be used. If the timer reaches 0, the referee will decide whether the Game should be replayed or a winner should be declared.
10. Violation of the rules will result in a Warning, three warnings will get the player disqualified from the tournament.
11. MOST IMPORTANT: Please do not forget that eSports is not only about winning but also about having fun. Play fare, don't cheat, be polite to your opponent and tournament staff and USE COMMON SENCE.
12. GL HF
Feel free to ask any questions. We still have plenty of space for registrations!