One of Iccup superadmins just announced on ICCUP that it is under a DDoS attack (whatever that means) and is having technical issues, one being that Anti hacker launcher is not working properly. For the people playing yesterday (D-league amongst others) this was a real hassle; mine worked properly but some of the people i played couldn´t get it to work.
Admins are working on it right now, hopefully it will be cleared out within not too long.
Also: Who the hell attacks ICCUP? Who wants to destroy broodwar? Albeit it might also affect Lol/dota-servers ...
EDIT: Seems like the attack has been fended off. Case closed, cheers all (I thought these things took alot longer to figure out).
Who the hell attacks ICCUP? Who wants to destroy broodwar?
probably some angry nerd who got banned from iccup. sad.
sad idd
This is what happens when they have DOTA servers!
Ive heard someone that they shut down fish as well? Or was that maybe just an april fools joke ...
It's actually 14-year-old Russian kids on the DOTA server who lost because one of their teammates wasn't up to par.
Man this sucks i hope they fix the shit as soon as they can :\ and who would ddos a starcraft broodwar server T_T?
lolwat ???
is this 1st April fools ?
On April 02 2012 03:39 Sinedd wrote: lolwat ???
is this 1st April fools ? Well, Iccup IS actually down.
It happens quite often, due to their DotA server. Their DotA server is quite the competition, ofc, hence it gets ddos'ed from time to time. DDoS means that a server gets flooded with requests, so many that it can't keep up and hence is unavailable for anything.
Croatia9476 Posts
On April 02 2012 03:04 Arnstein wrote: This is what happens when they have DOTA servers! I'm pretty sure their Dota and BW servers are completely separate. I know few months ago their Dota servers were under DDoS attack constantly and their BW servers were unaffected.
I ask you one question: Why not?
Better be up for tomorrow.
Would be a sad monday without BW
On April 02 2012 03:45 Lightwip wrote:Well, Iccup IS actually down. yeah I knew tthat the server was down when I left the house like 4 hours ago...
its still down ?
On April 02 2012 03:49 Antisocialmunky wrote: I ask you one question: Why not?
If the servers are separate, i dont understand it at all. My experience is that these kind of things are being done by 15 year olds. There are no 15 year old broodwar players, at least none good enough to be part of the community in a regard that would make them mad enough to attack a server.
Fish is working fine. Too bad iccup is down. That place is the shit.
Trozz you are such a delight :D
It was just an April Fool's troll thing...