Welcome Starcraft 2 Fans!
I'm Katu, also known as cKatu or KatuStarcraft, this stream is primarily used for my daily 1 hour analysis show
Please leave feedback and suggestions about my dailies, commentary, music, play and other content.
Kevin "Katu" Albert
P.S. You can find archived content on my YouTube channel.
Twitter Clarity Gaming
Just started watching the KSL today and I can't help but feel I've missed out because I haven't heard you cast until now, great voice and energy and just great casting all round, keep up the good work!
I am watching your stream for the first time today and I am really amazed. What impresses my most is that even in tense situations you formulate correct English sentences instead of just screaming "OH MY GOOOOD" or "HERE WE GOOOOOO". All in all I'd say that you are right at the top among with Tastosis, Day9, MrBitter and so on. And with the exception of Tastosis I like your work far better than that of all the current and former GSL casters. Apply now! :D
watching your KSL stream. keep up the good work!
Good caster, have seen him do playhem a bit and fairly impressed.
why is the window so small? Can barely see it
This guy is pretty good ^^
sup katu, hope you'll come to LAN ETS and why not cast it with torte hehe
hey monx, ya that sounds like fun, I know I want to come down and compete at the very least, lanets is a pretty sick event!
Hey Katu, really enjoying your casts. At first I was like *meh* he's so-so. But now you are one of my favourite casters overall! Your voice is very smooth in it's own way, or better, it's comfortable listening to your cast. Also the information you are giving out, even when you have to suddenly transition into a fight-situation, is very clear, understandable and most importantly: it's correct information.
I really hope you keep up those standards! Great work so far!
srsly if you have no clue about the players dont talk about them... sooooo much missinformation about moon it actually hurts to listen 
besides that good job!
haha ya, it was Lyn not Moon, admittedly they are the same person in my mind!
@admin - For some reason I cannot edit my OP TT
New daily at 7pm ET featuring Zerg vs X analysis by yours truly. First hour will be going over the replays I found interesting over the days games with fan games afterwards.
Long story: + Show Spoiler +For those of you who were wondering (yes you Ted) I was on hiatus for the past few months as it was an unfortunate time for my family. I barely had the time to play Starcraft, never mind making much content and so decided to take a step back with the plan to come back when I could. Fortunately, that time is now  I've been playing full days for about a week now and have been streaming some of it. Mostly to keep me motivated (if you have ladder fear/anxiety, stream yourself playing, you have to keep playing games else you'll never get any viewers!) and to get back into the swing of things. However, I found it to be just scattered content without much structure. More importantly, whilst playing, my frame of mind is not optimal for watching and evaluating replays. All to say, today I am starting my own daily, mostly to have a set time where I am dedicated to reviewing my replays. I will be targeting and flagging close games throughout the day and keep in mind what I was thinking during the games. I am a player for Clarity Gaming, my own personal best is top 250 on NA ladder (currently 750) including GM and I have been casting professional Starcraft II games for 2 years while also devouring all GSL, MLG, DH, IPL, IEM and SPL VODs (I should mention that though I wasn't playing, I watched SCII incessantly on my phone). Therefore, I feel I can give a solid analysis of the strategies and engagements. Furthermore, I learned in high school that teaching something is the best way to fully master it yourself. Having different minds with different thought processes really allows you to completely chart out a subject. Therefore, I would love viewer interaction and even requests. Please don't be shy to ask specific questions or give your own point of view, I fully intend and want to learn as much as possible from these streams.
If I am unable to attend on a particular night it will be posted here.
Hey Katu! Any idea if the KSL will return?
I have sadly not heard anything about a KSL coming back and since it was sponsored by Own3D.... I don't have high hopes neither TT
Oh I see was a fun tourney, as were your casts!
@admin: still can't edit OP, pls fix?
Also live in 3 minutes with Katu Daily #2 looking at roach/bling all ins, aggressive terran options and toss gateway expands
Will you be moving to a twitch stream?
@admin: is it possible to make the OP editable again? thx
yup, have been using it for the first 2 dailies already! Sad to see own3d go, but too psyched to be back to making sc2 content at the same time ^^
@admin still with the op thing TT pls help 
Live with daily #3!