Poll: Diablo 3 release?Still looking forward to release. (buying game) (331) 43% I'm still super hyped!! (buying game) (235) 31% Not excited, looking forward to other major release (low chance of buying) (73) 9% We'll see where this goes (indicisive) (63) 8% Cool genre, not really excited but will try out (buying game) (35) 5% I've had it with Diablo3. (22) 3% Maybe of a Sale! (indicisive) (10) 1% 769 total votes Your vote: Diablo 3 release? (Vote): I'm still super hyped!! (buying game) (Vote): Still looking forward to release. (buying game) (Vote): Cool genre, not really excited but will try out (buying game) (Vote): We'll see where this goes (indicisive) (Vote): Maybe of a Sale! (indicisive) (Vote): Not excited, looking forward to other major release (low chance of buying) (Vote): I've had it with Diablo3.
I'm kind of losing the hype for D3. I've played quite some D2 to kill some time, along with sc2, bw and a lot of classic online RTS (dune2, redalert 1, warcraft 2). After a while the gameplay of diablo becomes a bit redundant, I guess. I find myself playing something else after that.
Often you'll find yourself looking at a character that looks shiny whilst thinking of what area you're going to farm next. Still fun though. I was hoping there would be more news and more sneak peaks That will get me excited about the game again.
*edit* On the other hand, the game is so rich in possibilities and will definitely entertain when in parties :-)
Poll: How many of your real life friends will play D3 at some pointLot's :) (224) 55% 0 (52) 13% 2 (40) 10% 1 (36) 9% 3 (28) 7% 4 (15) 4% 5 (14) 3% 409 total votes Your vote: How many of your real life friends will play D3 at some point (Vote): 0 (Vote): 1 (Vote): 2 (Vote): 3 (Vote): 4 (Vote): 5 (Vote): Lot's :)
Single player also ofcourse Let's not forget what DIablo game play stands out in.
What are your thoughts about this?
No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too braindead mashing for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me.
Still super hyped for it, and once it comes out I'm sure I'll play it nonstop until I've beaten inferno mode at least once. After that, though, I have no idea yet whether it'll be my game of choice or not.
On December 02 2011 07:02 dibbaN wrote: No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too brain-dead for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me. X_x imo its only "braindead" if you dont challenge yourself. Me for example, i pretty much only play HC and try to run things ironman style where you dont get anything from your older chars so you actually have to play attention.. but hey to each their own i guess.
On topic: im still hyped for it, i am even upgrading my comp to be able to play it when it comes out :D
On December 02 2011 07:18 sc14s wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 07:02 dibbaN wrote: No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too brain-dead for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me. X_x imo its only "braindead" if you dont challenge yourself. Me for example, i pretty much only play HC and try to run things ironman style where you dont get anything from your older chars so you actually have to play attention.. but hey to each their own i guess. On topic: im still hyped for it, i am even upgrading my comp to be able to play it when it comes out :D
Awesome. I just got me a new mid range PC
I was 'little-school-girl excited' when they announced it but now that's gone down a loooooot. A few days before release I'll be insanely hyped though.
On December 02 2011 07:39 MaReK wrote: I was 'little-school-girl excited' when they announced it but now that's gone down a loooooot. A few days before release I'll be insanely hyped though.
Basically this.
At the moment i don't really care much, but when we get closer to the release i'll probably get all hyped up again.
I'll still buy it, but not very excited. Blizzard really should have held off on the beta until the game was closer to release.
I'm still going to buy it but my hype is at an all time low. With Skyrim, Dota 2 beta and Starcraft 2, I don't really have that itch for diablo 3 anymore. If skyrim wasn't released and I wasn't invited into dota 2, I may still be hyped. I think it's mostly due to the lack of beta access that killed my hype and the poor manner in which they handled the entire beta so far. INVITES GUYS GET READY! Sends 3 F&F invites out. =.=. FACEBOOK GIVEAWAY HOLY SHIT!! Invites 100 people a week, millions in giveaway...blergh.
I was losing interest until I got a chance to play my cousins beta copy and its going to be well-worth the wait, trust me.
Hpyed :D Looking forward to enjoy the lore in single player and have some fun with friends messing around in co-op.
yes, very hyped, this is going to be epic
They killed any hype for me when they announced you'd always have to be online even if I just want to play by myself, so I'm going to pass.
The poll needs simpler options. I'm not hyped for D3, but I can't answer with no because other major releases don't concern me either. In the end I know I will play it longer than just trying, but I'm not looking forward to it's release date in particular.
I haven't gotten to play the beta yet, but from the gameplay videos I've seen the game doesn't look all that interesting to me.
I'll probably get more excited about it as release approaches, and buy it anyway, just because I loved Diablo and D2.
Absolutely! Playing Skyrim on the side just wets my appetite for these fantasy themed games. Can't wait to play Diablo 3 with friends when it gets released.
What kind of a stupid rhetoric question is that? No, I've been waiting for the game for 10 years, now I feel like I lost my hype.
No, i don't get hyped. I will buy it, but i was stoked before the first waves went out -- watched, read and discussed about anything and everything. Now i'm barely checking/reading any news or discussions.
Also, i really don't care if i get into beta or not anymore.
I was hyped, back when beta was announced... and then beta did not start... and then the game was delayed. So it is at the point where I am excited for me, can't wait to play it (purchased the Collectors Edition). But I ran out of "hyped-ness".