Check uploader !!!
and Enjoy playing ^_^
<NA uploader : MildCocoA>
-Map name-
GSL Bel'shir Beach (Winter)
GSL Calm before the storm
GSL Antiga Shipyard
GSL Crossfire SE (Official)
GSL Dual Sight
GSL Daybreak (Official)
<SEA uploader : Rain>
-Map name-
GSL_Bel'shir Beach (Winter)
GSL_Calm before the storm
GSL_Antiga Shipyard
GSL_Crossfire SE
GSL_Dual Sight
GSL Daybreak (Official)
<EU uploader : TeamClash>
-Map name-
GSL_Bel'shir Beach (Winter)
GSL_Calm before the storm
GSL_Antiga Shipyard
GSL_Crossfire SE
GSL_Dual Sight
<China server>
I don't have China server account.