I'm just completely at a loss at this point. I haven't won against a competent FFE in ages. Either I try to crack them with a roach all-in and fail miserably, I get killed by their 2 base deathball, or I hold off the deathball but can't stop them taking a 3rd and can't get a good engage on their army.
8:00/9:00 or so In this game I atleast avoided my old mistake of stopping drones at 25 and trying to crack his defence. But I still slowed my droning rate after seeing that core and 4 gates going up with my overlord. I guess I should have kept going a bit longer, but I still find it hard to judge how much of a force he's built up. 19:00 I've actually got a maxed army and a 40 food lead but I've no idea how to engage protoss, if I should engage him at all. From then on he takes his 3rd and I keep throwing roach or roach/corrupter armies at him with little success. So apart from general replay analysis -how do I better judge when to stop droning vs FFE? -should I attack as soon as I'm maxed or get some upgrades first? -how should I have engaged protoss where his army was at 19:50? IE with the colossi at the cliff east of the Watchtower right beside where he ends up getting his 3rd. -any other tips would be appreciated. I know I should be stockpiling my larvae more so I can remax faster but its not much use if I keep throwing armies away like that.
Edit : If a mod could fix the thread title typo that'd be great. Don't post right after a 6 game losing streak I guess.
Hey, so couple things i noticed. the main one is you need to work on your macro, specifically injecting. you let your queen get over 25 energy after the very first inject, that is absolutely terribly because it slows everything down, you were floating money and had less food than you should have only 5 mins into the game. towards the end you were floating 5k like 2k and all your queens had full energy, make macro hatches if you need to but make sure your hitting those injects, Z hinges on it.
Near the beginning you scouted the FFE and still got about 10 lings, you only need 2 or 4 rest should have been drones, might not seem like much but those 3 drones that early does make a difference, especially when those lings are literally not doing anything for another several minutes.
You scouted the gateways and made an army which is good, although you actually didn't need to as early as you did since his WG wasn't even finished yet, was prob a mistake on his part to start WG so late so not a big deal but something to keep in mind.
After this tho you didn't scout again for another 5 minutes. If you see a bunch of gates, and he doesn't push out within a min or 2 then you need to rescout because it means he might have tech switched, like the P did in this game.
You scouted at about 7-8 mins, assuming you re scout at about 10, you would have had 9 minutes to yourself, as he didn't leave his base until 19 mins into the game. You need to be macroing and teching during that time. Then once he does leave you essentially need to either have hive tech up or about to get up, BL's are usually the best bet at least at first, or to continually exchange lair tech armies with the P and try and work em down. Against 3+ colo you need about 10 corruptors and scale up to like 16 if he gets like 5+ colo. i find rest roach infestor ling to be good and add on hydras once colo are killed. Trading armys tho means you need to keep up on larvae injects and macro hatches cause you need to be continously remaxing during every fight.
AS to engagements, corruptors should be put over cliffs or high grounds and try to pick at the sides of the colo lines, while your main army essentially dances around colo range, you are mainly trying to protect your corruptors so they can kill the colo so the rest of your army can kill his. You main army is going to get destroyed while you kill the colo, but then after the remax without his colo you can then start to win the fights.
Hope some of this helps.
Very helpful, thank you. I'll probably have the hardest time getting the macro improvements in but I'll see what I can do. So, scout again with an overseer if he turtles in his base too long just to check what he's doing, sound's good. I remember I didn't really have enough corruptors, so basically I should bring 3 per colossus. I also didn't know how to use them right, guess I'll need them on a seperate control group next time I'll be quite honest in saying I doubt I'll be able to manage infestors+corruptors, but I'll definitely try and mix in some lings. If I can do a bit better on the engagements and have better lategame injects hopefully I can wear him down if this comes up again. I did have the mineral income to sustain it I think.
A one base 7-roach is very hard to hold off when FFE, Get speed for lings and if your attack doesn't kill you opponent, he'll be crippled for a long time focus down the cybercore as by the time you arrive at his base warpgate should still be researching. If there is a sweetspot for your roaches to kill the nexus. You might also be able to snipe the forge . After this attack the game is yours to win, take a second and a third (assuming your roach-ling didn't end the game) tech to lair and just get a suitable army
I've been playing Super Mario Bros for years. All you need to do to defeat the turtle is jump on it's shell, then kick it when its down. They always go flying out of the game without a word.
It may require some decent micro, but it has great effect. Timing is everything.
Watch these replays of The Attack Hatch: http://thegamespage.com/staff/knp/sc2replays/
Don't be complacent Protoss players.
Bounce on their Turtle shell over and over too for infinite 1Ups!
But ya, take advantage of the fact that the turtle can't really move. Don't fully engage, just hit the shell a bit