Introduction Fanclubs are one thing. They focus on the sensational. It would be the ultimate extension of the fanclub to have threads that thoroughly analyze the way specific pros play. One thread devoted to one pro. For many pros, there is sufficient data available to do this. Threads like these, [Pro] threads, would be instrumental in helping players grasp a pro's style, and thus fostering improvement among the TL SC2 community.
Template for thread name: [Pro]IdrA
Data First and foremost, the [Pro] thread would serve as a data hub for any content the pro has produced recently.* Compiled replay packages, stream recordings, VODs, recorded lessons, guides, interviews discussing practice/gaming "philosophy," etc.
Basically, the [Pro] thread should include a reference of all data in which we can glean information about how the pro approaches the game, from the broadest generalizations to the nitty-gritty details.
Exhaustive data hubs for pros, if nothing else, would be a great first step. There's so much decentralized data out there on IdrA -- to put it all together nice and neat into one thread would be extremely helpful to anyone wishing to study IdrA's play.
Analysis This is the cherry on top. Once all relevant data has been compiled, it would take someone extremely determined and knowledgable of the game to go through that data and present a definitive report. Their report can cover a number of categories, the following are just my ideas:
1) Mechanics CTRL group setup? Hotkey settings? Keyboard finger placement?
2) Openings Which do they use? By matchup? By map? By situation/scouting?
3) Strategy This one is pretty open-ended... Builds? Army Comps? Style?
3) Hardware Mouse/Pad/Keyboard?
4) Philosophy Are they a mass-gamer? How do they practice? What do they think about? Tournament philosophy?
Management [Pro] threads would need to be managed and kept up-to-date, most importantly for the "perishable" gameplay data AKA replays, VODs, stream recordings, etc.
Final Thoughts I anticipate the biggest challenge to [Pro] threads would be the sheer amount of man-power required to create one. Data compiling, analysis reports, and thread management would take a lot of work. To partially alleviate this, I believe the creation of a [Pro] thread can and should be a co-op endevour.
Also, I believe the analysis section of a [Pro] thread is somewhat extranneous and variable, as it depends highly on who is doing the analysis. Viewers can take data and do their own analysis. This is why the data section of a [Pro] thread would be most important. However, in the right hands, an analysis section could be extremely informative.
If anyone likes the idea of a [Pro] thread enough to create one, I offer my services for helping to gather replay/VOD/stream recording data.
*Authors should use "recently" at their discretion. To compile all data of a pro since SC2 Beta would be mind-boggling and ineffecient, since patches and metagame developments have drastically changed things. Data on practice/gaming "philosophy," however, can certainly be extracted from older sources. Actual gameplay data should most likely sync up with the most recent SC2 patch(es).