Allright here is my new Map. Participate in MotM#8. Hopefully i will get Top5 but its pretty hard this time, im not gonna lie
Something to get in the right mood: + Show Spoiler +
Introduction: I dont remember how i came up with the idea but i sure had some weird input that let me think of a Diablo2 Style map. I decided to use the Act2 Desert Style because that would be doable in the editor (thinking about doodads and textures). It turned out pretty good with the walls and the overall sand color. Also the darkgreen water comes pretty close to the original small oasis in Diablo2.
Description: The layout is pretty simple but uses some interessting features. First of the 'backdoor' into the natural. Always think about that when u want to Fastexpand and block ur natural entrance. Its only a 1size Ramp, so u can hold it rather easily. The Xelnaga Tower also gives vision onto the highground. The Map also provides two single gas geysers. If u need gas later in the game you should consider to invest into a extra main to get the gas. The rest is pretty standard with the open gold, 2 xelnagas in the middle.
The Map uses 5 Costum Textures for the Tileset, 2 Costum Doodad Textures, 2 Costum Unit Textures and one Costum Cliff Texture. I changed the Xelnaga range because normal range would be too big and would destroy my little ''look up'' at the natural/third. The Map Overview shows wrong Xelnaga range and wrong costum doodad colors. That stuff only shows up ingame.
Updates: + Show Spoiler +- uploaded on US - changed doodad placement - added more doodads - added the black/white stone texture - backdoor ramp from 3size too 1size ramp - added more overlord hide places - no more black borders
General: + Show Spoiler +Name: TPW Lost City Uploaded: EU/US Main/Main: 146.3 Nat/Nat: 127.4 Tileset: Costum Playable: 157x146 Bases: 10 (2 Gold) Xelnaga: 4 (half range) Overview: + Show Spoiler + Analyzer: + Show Spoiler + Screenshots Ingame: + Show Spoiler + Diablo Inspiration: + Show Spoiler + Costum Stuff: + Show Spoiler +Tileset:+ Show Spoiler +Costum Cracks with Sand Color Tyrador Debris - Changed Color Mar Sara Sand - Changed Color Tarsonis Earth - Changed Color Costum Stones Costum Stones - Not used Cliff:+ Show Spoiler +Mar Sara Cliff - Changed color Doodads:+ Show Spoiler +Temple Pillar - Changed Color Mar Sara Rocks - Changed Color Units:+ Show Spoiler +Mar Sara Geyser - Changed Color Mar Sara Destructible Rocks - Changed Color
Old: + Show Spoiler +
As I see the mains are the 3 and 9 o'clock positions right? I'm not really sure about that highground right behind the natural. It is a good place to expand in the midgame, but in the early game to have this large of an opening behind your base and it even being a highground? I'm not sure if taking the natural would be too safe. The rocks between that (I suppose) 4th migh be interesting being separated into two, but it might be better to make it as one, I don't really know right now. The gold seems to be hard to hold unless you have the 4th there. And one last thing: to who does that base below the mains belong, which is on the oposite side than the natural?
The natural is way to vulnerable to air forces. Turrets will not have sight at all, and the mineral line is placed so it faces towards the rest of the map. You should rethink the main-nat set up. Other than that, the layout is unique and interesting. You could switch the side of the main that the ramp is on and make the top left and bottom right expansions into naturals, with some modification to make them easier to defend.
On June 19 2011 04:36 BaNZaY wrote: to who does that base below the mains belong, which is on the oposite side than the natural?
i dont know...depends how the game play out. and i dont like 50/50 maps anyways and for the natural, i wanted something unique and new so i definitely wont switch it to the bottom.
maybe a smaller change but i dont know what
On June 19 2011 05:25 Mereel wrote:Show nested quote +On June 19 2011 04:36 BaNZaY wrote: to who does that base below the mains belong, which is on the oposite side than the natural? i dont know...depends how the game play out. and i dont like 50/50 maps anyways
Well my point is that that base doesn't really belong to anyone. It's hard to get and secure by both players as it stands now. The note about air harass is right, I didn't think of that. The main problem is with the natural being too voulnerable. Other that that it should be a nice map, even with that anyones expo at the 4 and 10 o'clock positions. Do something about the natural and it will be fine.
i made some updates: -added xelnaga tower -changed double rocks into 1 rock and los blockers -changed ramp at top left and bottom right to double ramp blocked by rocks to get a better split beetween the natural fourth and this base. -made natural unsiegeable (it looks kinda shitty now but i guess i can fix it when i start with doodads) Overview: + Show Spoiler + Analyzer: + Show Spoiler +
one little thing to gain some interest. guess what design theme im gonna use. the picture is a little hint (also the name) hf
the xel'naga towers are kinda useless because of this:
lets say i was spawning in the left side of the map, then i have two attack main paths. the top or bottum.
if i go for the top attack path my opponent will have a "standard" time to react (standard being from the regular blizz maps). while the other will be wayyyyyy to short of a time to react.
this not only effects zerg, but also terrans bunkering and protoss's chrono usage.
i suggest taking out those xel'naga towers and placing one in the center. that way the one can look at the two main paths, and still having enough time to be reactive, while leaving the two side paths open.
I would just like to say, an interesting idea to make the back ramp to the natural more easily defendable would be to put a xel naga tower in each of the player's mains that is capable of granting vision to a slight area behind the ramp, I feel like that would be a really cool concept because you would only need the xel naga if you were under attack from behind to gain ramp vision
ok i redesigned the natural. i think thats better now. also the xel naga are not finally placed....i have something special in mind, u gonna see that later. im gonna remove the rocks on the ramp but keep them on the highground because i think it looks kinda cool. the small way in the mid is an idea, nothing final. tell me what u think
Overview: + Show Spoiler +
one more hint for the theme:
Machinations dark by shadows still. Farms rot, livestock falls ill. Endless march not knowing fear. They shall soon as he moves near.
thats why i didnt start yet :D
I don't get the middle bit Oo
its actually level 2....im not sure about ur thought. if i make it lvl2 and lvl3 (and playable) if siegetanks placed on lvl3 are not just way to powerfull.
i just want something different then the 2 path only concept. its the same on xelnaga but there are two alternative ways left and right from the xelnagatower.
with the little path in the middle u can scout and walk through with marines, zealots, lings and the other 1box units. it kinda forces the play to watch his armee more carfully because if u just right click on the other side the 1box units walk through the middle and the rest walk around. i dont know if thats good or not^^
Just some things I caught right away... if you notice, i'm on a mac
thats an old version ironman^^
Ive seen the images before, but with those Diablo2 sceens next to it to compare, it makes me drool.
I also like the HY vespene that can be distance mined. A nice little feature. Hows rush distances? you might or might not want to re-add the narrow lane in the map centre
Germany1536 Posts
Really reminds me of D2 ingame ^^