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From PlayXP
SlayerS vs. fOu
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MMA – ‘We can twopeat in the teamleague.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cgRke.jpg)
- How do you feel after getting to two consecutive teamleague finals?
I feel really good. I believed that since we are a team worthy of being in the finals, that we would be in the finals.
- You are showing great form once again in the GSTL.
For the GSTL, we prepare as a team, and I believe our team unity is the best, which is why we are able to keep winning.
- In the round of 8, Taeja was able to score an all-kill.
He is the newest member of our terran line, and we are proud of him since he was able to start off with an all-kill.
- What did you predict for the match against fOu today?
I thought that GuMiho and sC would be taken care of by Alicia. Since he lost and it came down to me, I was a bit nervous.
- What was the toughest match for you today?
The last set. When my medivac full of hellions got caught, I let him have the upper hand.
- All your wins so far in the teamleague have been 1-2 wins (**because he is always sent out last…duh). How many kills do you predict for yourself in the finals?
I am always confident in my ability to win if my coach lets me play.
- Your results in the individual league are not as good as your results in the team league yet, what do you think about that?
I don’t like it. I should play well for myself as well, but so far I haven’t been able to show my full strength (in the individual league). I will make sure to show good results next time.
- The finals will be either against oGs or MVP.
I think both teams are strong but I have a feeling that MVP will advance. I think they have good reserve players and know their opponent’s lineup pretty well.
- Are you confident in your team’s ability for a twopeat?
I believe it is possible for us to repeat as champions as long as we play like we have been playing. I hope that lady luck will be on our side as well.
- The super tournament brackets are posted. Are you happy with your placement?
I am pretty friendly with Mvp (player) so I don’t feel that bad about it. Whether I meet good players early or late, as long as I can show good games for the fans, I will be satisfied.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Ga-yeon, BoxeR, and Cella. I want to extend my thanks and love to my brother who always comes and cheers for me and my SlayerS family. My father is a pastor, and he prays for me every day. I want to thank my parent for their support.
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▼ 2회 연속으로 결승에 진출한 소감은?
- 매우 좋다. 결승에 어울리는 팀이기 때문에 결승에 오를 것이라고 생각했다.
▼ GSTL에서 유독 강한 면모를 보이는데?
- GSTL은 팀원 모두가 화합해서 준비하고, 우리팀이 가장 단합이 잘 되는 팀이라고 생각하기 때문에 승리할 수 있었던 것 같다.
▼ 8강에서 윤영서가 올킬을 했는데?
- 테란 라인의 막내 동생이 들어왔는데 처음부터 올킬을 해서 기특했다.
▼ 8강에서 출전하고 싶었을 것 같은데?
- 준비는 하고 있었는데, 영서가 워낙 잘해서 나갈 기회가 없었다.
▼ fOu와의 경기, 어떻게 예상했나?
- fOu의 테란 고병재, 김승철 선수를 준식이 형이 잡아줄 줄 알았다. 지고 난 뒤 내 차례까지 돌아와 조금 걱정됐다.
▼ 오늘 경기에서 가장 어려웠던 세트를 꼽자면?
- 마지막 7세트. 초반에 화염차를 태운 의료선이 잡히며 주도권을 내줬다.
▼ 현재까지 팀리그 다승 1위이다. 결승전에 출전한다면 몇 킬을 예상하나?
- 감독님이 기회만 주신다면 언제든 이길 자신은 있다.
▼ 팀리그에 비해 개인리그 성적은 아직 좋지 않은데, 어떻게 생각하는가?
- 안 좋다. 개인리그도 잘 해야 하는데, 유독 힘을 못 쓰고 있다. 다음에는 좋은 성적 거둘 수 있도록 하겠다.
▼ 결승 상대가 oGs 아니면 MVP가 될 텐데?
- 둘 다 강팀이지만 MVP가 올라올 것 같다. 저력이 있는 팀이나 상대 선수 저격을 잘 할 것 같다.
▼ 팀리그 2연패 자신 있는가?
- 지금까지 해왔던 것처럼 하면 2연패도 가능할 것 같다. 운도 많이 따랐으면 좋겠다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트 대진표가 발표됐다. 조 편성은 마음에 드는가?
- (정)종현이와 친해서 거리낌은 없다. 일찍 만나든, 높은 곳에서 만나든 시청자들에게 재밌는 경기 보여드릴 수 있다면 그걸로 만족한다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 가연 누나, 요환 형, 홍 감독님께 감사드린다. 항상 응원해주시는 친형과 SlayerS 가족들에게 사랑한다고 전하고 싶다. 아버지가 목사신데, 매일 기도해주신다. 부모님께 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
MVP vs. oGs
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DongRaeGu – ‘SlayerS will be easier than oGs.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/SL5NP.jpg)
- Your thoughts about getting to the finals?
I haven’t had much success breaking through the preliminaries so I was a bit nervous about my skills translating for the GSTL stage. But I am glad that the results are speaking for themselves. I believe I can keep getting good results in the future.
- Are you saying you haven’t had much confidence in yourself before?
Ever since SCBW, whenever I practiced online I would get good results, but I would always have problems in my confidence during live matches, so I couldn’t play to my full potential. I think it is about time that I used this teamleague opportunity to shed that habit.
- The expectations were that MVP would lose.
Both Monster and I did not think we would lose to any oGs terrans. And so our team goal focused solely on eliminating MC. ViOlet was prepared to snipe MC, but I am glad I could stop him during my turn. My goal was to get all the terrans out of the way and so I didn’t practice for protoss. I played without any pressure (during the last match) and somehow I was able to get the win.
- How did you feel playing against Nada?
I have never faced him on ladder. So I was wondering how he would play, but it turned out he plays similar to every other terran. I knew that I was playing against a legend so I felt the results wouldn’t matter so much, thus I was able to do what I wanted.
- Against SuperNova you really showed off the zerg swarm.
SuperNova on ladder really likes to have one decisive attack followed by him expanding and gathering up his forces. I don’t usually use roaches, but I planned to crush his early attack by using them. Then I got out a lot of drones to get a ton of units out in the later part of the game.
- You showed off some ceremony to MC.
It was fun. I don’t think it was overdoing it because my opponent was MC. I was able to put more focus on the game through the exchange of ceremonies and play even harder.
- You will be facing SlayerS in the finals.
When you face oGs, there’s a lot of pressure to take out MC. But as for SlayerS, they are terran heavy with players like Ryung and MMA so I believe it will be easier to beat them. I am confident in my ZvT.
- Anyone you want to face in the finals?
Everyone on our team says that MMA is a good player. I have faced him on and off on the ladder and I don’t think he played that seriously. I want to see his real skills so I want to face him in a match.
- The reason MVP was able to advance all the way to the finals?
The overall team age is pretty close, so the practice environment is very good. The team atmosphere is really enjoyable, and I believe our lineup is pretty strong. A lot of our members were able to get through the GSL preliminaries this time, so I thought that we would at least breakthrough to the team league finals.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank the coach’s mother for always preparing our food. I want to thank my clan mates, friends, and my parents for taking care of me.
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▼ 결승에 진출한 소감은?
- 예선을 못 뚫어서 GSTL 무대에서 통할까 하는 생각이 들었다. 결과가 좋아서 다행이다. 앞으로도 좋은 성적 낼 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 그동안 자신감이 없었다는 소리인가?
- 스타크래프트1 때부터 온라인에서 연습할 땐 성적이 잘 나왔는데, 막상 대회에 나설 땐 자신감이 부족했다. 그래서 위축됐는데, 이번 팀리그가 그것을 털어버리는 계기가 된 것 같다.
▼ MVP가 질 것이라는 예상이 컸는데?
- 나와 현승이는 oGs 테란을 상대로 질 생각을 안했다. 무조건 장민철 선수만 노렸다. 동환이형이 장민철 선수를 겨냥해 준비했는데, 내 선에서 끝내서 좋다. 테란만 잡는다 생각하고 프로토스는 준비하지 않았다. 그래서 마음 편하게 승부수를 던졌다.
▼ 이윤열과 경기할 때 어떤 기분이었나?
- 래더에서 만나보질 못했다. 어떨까 싶었는데, 그냥 똑같은 테란인 것 같다. 대선배와 게임을 한다는 것 자체로 내 스스로가 대견해서 무엇을 해도 잘 될 것 같았다.
▼ 김영진과의 경기에선 물량이 돋보였는데?
- 김영진 선수가 래더에서 한 번 찌르고 병력을 모으는 편이다. 원래 바퀴를 잘 안 쓰는데 초반 찌르기를 막기 위해 바퀴를 썼고, 일벌레를 많이 뽑아서 후반에 물량을 뽑아낼 수 있었다.
▼ 장민철이 선 세리머니를 선보였는데?
- 재밌었다. 상대가 장민철인만큼 그냥 지나칠 것 같진 않았다. 세리머니로 게임에 흥을 더해서 더 열심히 할 수 있었던 것 같다.
▼ 결승 상대가 SlayerS인데?
- oGs는 장민철 선수에 대한 압박이 컸다. SlayerS는 김동원, 문성원 선수 등 테란이 주축이기 때문에 oGs 보다는 쉬울 것 같다. 테란전에 자신 있다.
▼ 결승전에서 맞붙고 싶은 선수는?
- 팀원들이 문성원 선수가 잘한다고 얘기를 하더라. 래더에서 간간히 만나봤는데 대충 하시는 것 같더라. 실제로 얼마나 잘하는지 제대로 한 번 붙어보고 싶다.
▼ MVP가 결승까지 오를 수 있었던 비결은?
- 팀원들 나이대가 비슷해서 연습 분위기가 좋다. 팀 분위기 재밌고, 라인업도 결코 약하다고 생각하지 않는다. 이번에 모든 멤버들이 GSL 예선을 뚫을 것 같은 느낌이 들고, 팀리그도 최소한 결승에 오르지 않을까 생각했다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 항상 식사 챙겨주시는 감독님 어머님께 감사드린다. 클랜원들과 친구들, 뒷바라지 해주시는 부모님께도 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
This season’s interviews
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