Nada's interview :
Q : Because you won today, OOv is out now.
Nada : Actually I didn't know that if I won Oov would be eliminated. I just concentrated on winning my game.
Q : You beat Clon, who beat Xellos and Oov recently on OGN.
Nada : I was aware of that. Clon is really on fire these days so I tried not to underestimate him. But I was confident anyways. I practiced vs Z on Requiem a lot because I had to prepare for the premiere league as well. At Premiere League, July picked Requiem to be out so I had strats that I hadn't shown in public.
Q : You were looking bad in the beginning..loosing 4 rines early in the game.
Nada : I felt bad loosing the 4 marines but in the end it seemed like it had a better effect for me. I'm pretty sure Clon was thinking that I was going to do dropships. The actual big dangerous point was when Clon got gaurdians. I knew that he was going gaurdians, but if Clon had made just a few more, I would have lost.
Q : Your next game is vs OOv
Nada : I have revenge to do. I will definitely beat him.
Q : Your start in this league is good.
Nada : I always did well in the first round..the problem was always in the next round of 8. I always met with monster players...but this league I have a different feeling. I will win for sure.
Yellow's Interview :
Q : You were damaged yet again by early bunkers.
Yellow : I was doubtful he will do that, but I kind of had it in my mind. But no one ever did that strat during practie. When I knew I couldn't block it, I changed my strat. I canceled my overlord transporting upgrade because I knew there would be a slight timing where Boxer was to defend only with turrets. I calculated the timing and when I had 18 mutas I attacked with all of them and eventually won. I think it was good timing calculation and a little bit of mistake on Boxer's part.
Q : Do you still think of the last leageu's semis vs Boxer?
Yellow : No, not at all. Even when Boxer did early bunkers, I just thought to myself "Hm..bunkering" and concentrated on the game. I'm just glad that I won, especially on a such an important game.
Q : Are you optimistic about getting into the next round?
Yellow : I'm not pessimistic. My next opponent is Doggi, and I have to play right next week and nothing is for certain right now. I want to get into the next round with 3 wins. I beat Boxer, the toughest opponent, so I'm confident.
Q : Were you pressured while preparing for this return match?
Yellow : Not as much as before. I wasn't feeling all nervous and stuff. When I figured people weren't expecting spectacular matches anymore, I felt relieved. I also felt disappointed that Boxer vs Yellow didn't mean as much as before, but it allowed me to play more like myself. I only thought of winning, and preparing was relatively easy.
Q : You are the only one likely to make it to the next round from your team
Yellow : I think KTF has the most players in a league but always fails to get those players to the top. Me and my teammates are trying harder. I won't say more about the past, only that team KTF will try harder and reign at the top.
Saferzerg's interview :
Q : You are in the next round with 2 wins already.
Saferzerg : I'm glad to make it to the next round at my first OSL appearance. I'm especially happy that I beat Jju. I played with Jju a lot at big matches and I lost a lot to him. I was eliminated a lot because of him so I thought of picking him at this OSL.
Q : Jju came with a surprise 4 drone pool attack.
Saferzerg : It was a 4 drone rush? I thought it was a 5 drone rush..no wonder why zerglings came so fast. If Jju came with a sunken rush as well, I would have lost but luckily he didn't so I knew if I did some nice drone micro I could block it.
Q : When did you think you would get in the next round?
Saferzerg : It was probably when I beat Midas last last week. I am better vs Protoss and Zerg than vs Terran so I knew if I beat Midas I had a chance. Playing Midas was the toughest.
Q : I heard you are very good at cooking. Tell us about today's victory in cooking terms.
Saferzerg : .....Just a nice big meal I can share with my teammates. I didn't get into the next round, me and my teammates did.
Chojja's interview :
Q : It's your first win after a loss.
Chojja : Not good. It's always not good when you play a teammate. I will forget about my first two games and concentrate on my last game. If I win, I'm probably in and if I loose, I'm probably out.
Q : How's your condition these days?
Chojja : It's a new year and I want to have a good year. I will prepare a lot and will try to lead a good year.
Q : How was Sync's MMF rush today?
Chojja : I knew because I was watching with an overlord, and I knew I would block it even if marines were added. When I had only 1 sunken left, I was startled but lurkers came out and saved me.
Q : You played teammates two days in a row. (vs TheMarine in MBCgame and vs Sync in OSL)
Chojja : It was hard to practice, I didn't practice a lot. I'm thankful to my teammate Dong-Eun who helped me practice. (Dong-Eung is probably a practice partner since no one recognizes him.)
Q : You didn't use queens like you used to.
Chojja : Queens are like swords with blades at both ends. I concentrated on winning so I didn't even think of units like Queens. If you use Queens well, they are good but if you use them not well, they are poison.
Q : A word to your fans.
Chojja : I want to be like the old Chojja who used to get into finals and stuff. I will try hard to win. And lastly, Happy New Year and good luck!!
Interviews translated from www.Fighterforum.com